
unusual facts about vanadium

Non-Evaporable Getter

Non evaporable getters (NEG), based on the principle of metallic surface sorption of gas molecules, are mostly porous alloys or powder mixtures of Al, Zr, Ti, V and iron (Fe).

Alexander Fersman

These resulted in the discovery deposits of uranium and vanadium ore in Fergana, and, in the Kara-Kum desert east of the Caspian Sea, large deposits of sulphur, which Russia had previously had to import.

Dieter Vollhardt

Vollhardt is one of the founders of the Dynamical Mean-Field Theory (DMFT) for strongly correlated electronic solids such as transition metals (e.g. iron or vanadium) and their oxides, i.e. materials with electrons in open d- and f-shells.


The EPA had refused to promote Coleman-Adebayo shortly after she alleged the presence of environmental and health problems at the Brits, South Africa, vanadium mines.


Schreyerite (V2Ti3O9), is a vanadium, titanium oxide mineral found in the Lasamba Hill, Kwale district in Coast Province Kenya.


Vanadyl sulfate (VOSO4), a well known inorganic compound of vanadium

see also