(1959), The Origin of Species by Charles Darwin, A Variorum Text, Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania Press.
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During the 1990s, after a teaching exchange visit to Paul Valery University in Montpellier inspired an interest in the Cathars of Southern France, he started working on Languedoc Variorum: A Defense of Heresy and Heretics.
The scene shown in The Distrest Poet was probably inspired by Alexander Pope's satirical poem The Dunciad, most likely by the prefatory matter of the second version, the Dunciad Variorum which had been published in 1735, and in which Pope confirmed his authorship of the original.
In 1999, a third variorum edition (ISBN 0-19-850440-3), with the original 1930 text, annotated with the 1958 alterations, notes and alterations accidentally omitted from the second edition was published, edited by Henry Bennett.
Margaret Mullett, Theophylact of Ochrid: Reading the Letters of a Byzantine Archbishop, Aldershot, Ashgate Variorum, 1997.