Negative pressure ventilator | Medical ventilator | Ventilator 202 | International Ventilator Users Network |
The general notion of the application of engineering to medicine can be traced back centuries; for example, Stephen Hales's work in the early 18th century which led to the invention of a ventilator and the discovery of blood pressure certainly involved the application of engineering techniques to medicine.
Studies have shown nasal CPAP reduces ventilator time but an increased occurrence of pneumothorax was also prevalent.
The ventilator does not cycle during CPAP, no additional pressure above the level of CPAP is provided, and patients must initiate all of their breaths.
Harvey is also notable for having used numerous methods to kill, such as arsenic; cyanide; insulin; suffocation; miscellaneous poisons; morphine; turning off ventilators; administration of fluid tainted with hepatitis B and/or HIV (which resulted in a hepatitis infection, but no HIV infection, and illness rather than death); insertion of a coat hanger into a catheter, causing an abdominal puncture and subsequent peritonitis.
Instead, all that is heard is the sound of Christopher's ventilator and the electrocardiogram machine.
After Hurricane Katrina, dedicated staff "bagged" patients in New Orleans hospitals for days with simple bag valve units attached to endotracheal tubes, a "ventilator" system which can be used with no definite time limit.
In 1952, Roger Manley of the Westminster Hospital, London, developed a ventilator which was entirely gas driven, and became the most popular model used in Europe.
PHI’s mission is to enhance the lives, health, and independence of polio survivors, as well as those in the cross-disability category of home ventilator users, who are addressed through a subsidiary organization called the International Ventilator Users Network (IVUN).
During the second half of the 1980s, Ventilator 202 broadcast computer software recorded on cassette tapes for popular home computers Galaksija, ZX Spectrum and Commodore 64.