The final form of the Leonine Prayers consisted of three Ave Marias, a Salve Regina followed by a versicle and response, a prayer for the conversion of sinners and the liberty and exaltation of the Catholic Church, and a prayer to Saint Michael the Archangel.
# Service of Offering: Song Without Words (In place of Anthem); Versicle; Collect of the Day; Collect for Peace; Collect for Grace to Live Well; The Grace
From 1614 to 1658 when the statue was in Jaffna, the devotees daily praised Our Lady of Miracles, singing the hymns with versicle and oration the "O Gloriosa Domina" in the morning, " Ave Maris Stella " in the afternoon and at night chanting Litanies beginning with the verse "Tota Pulchra es Maria".