
unusual facts about volcanic island

Intermontane Islands

The Intermontane Islands were a giant chain of active volcanic islands somewhere in the Pacific Ocean during the Triassic time beginning around 245 million years ago.

see also

Bettany Hughes

Atlantis: the Evidence (2010): A Timewatch special about the lost continent being the volcanic island of Santorini


--hull?-->traditional gajeta falkuša was made only with cypress wood from the volcanic island of Svetac.


Mount Hiri, a volcanic island north of Ternate in the Maluku Islands of Indonesia

Mission Bay, New Zealand

The buildings, designed by Reader Wood, date from 1858 and are built of scoria rock quarried on the volcanic island of Rangitoto.

New Hanover

New Hanover Island is a volcanic island in the Bismarck Archipelago of Papua New Guinea

The Legend of Kyrandia

For example one major plot point is to reach a volcanic island named "Volcania," which involves an extensive side quest with many different objectives, to reach the center of the Earth (where more tasks await Zanthia, such as playing fetch with a Stegosaurus or riding a T-Rex, retrieving items to be used to make potions — a major part of the game — before she can advance).

Tortuga Island

Isla Tortuga, a volcanic island in the Gulf of California, part of Baja California, Mexico