
unusual facts about waders


Fly fishing tackle

Contemporary waders are either made of breathable Gore-Tex or neoprene.

Ralph de Gael

Ralph de Gael (otherwise Ralph de Guader, Radulf Waders or Ralph Wader) (before 1042 – c. 1096) was the Earl of East Anglia (Norfolk and Suffolk) and Lord of Gaël and Montfort (Seigneur de Gaël et Montfort).

River Aln

Further down the tidal zone a visitor will often see Sandwich Tern and Common Tern, as well as a variety of Gulls and smaller waders including Redshanks, Greenshanks, Turnstones, Ringed Plovers, Pied Wagtails, and other Sandpipers.

Simms Fishing Products

Shortly after K.C. Walsh acquired the company and moved it to Bozeman, Simms introduced a line of breathable waders using Gore-Tex.

SOS/BirdLife Slovakia

In last years it bought more than 80 ha of wetlands in IBA/SPA Senne, which is the most important breeding site for some waterbirds in the Slovakia (for instance Eurasian Spoonbill) and the most important stopover for migrating waders in Slovakia.

St John, Cornwall

The St John's Lake SSSI (Site of Special Scientific Interest) is designated mainly for its bird interests, with 6000 wildfowl and 10000 waders owerwintering on the mudflats.

Surf fishing

In addition to the extra reach provided by wading out from shore, waders provide improved footing, protection for feet and legs from sharp bottom objects and stinging/biting fish and crustaceans, and protection from cold water temperatures.


This large area of sand dunes and beach at the mouth of the Tay Estuary forms an important roosting and feeding area for huge congregations of seaduck, waders and wildfowl, as well as a haul-out area for over 2,000 both common and grey seals.


Yellow-wattled Lapwing, a group of largish waders in the family Charadriidae

see also