
unusual facts about web developer


Kevin Gilbertson, a web developer, launched the service in January 2002 so that he would be able to link directly to newsgroup postings that frequently had long and cumbersome addresses.

Web Standards Project

The Web Standards Project began as a grassroots coalition "fighting for standards in our web browsers" founded by George Olsen, Glenn Davis, and Jeffrey Zeldman in 1998.

see also

David Mumford

Steve (born 1960) is a published artist residing in New York City, Peter (born 1962) is a professional photographer and web developer living in Seattle, Jeremy (born 1969) is a historian, while Suchitra (born 1970, now Suchitra Baranoff) has worked for more than fifteen years in the field of international adoption.


Nurhan Demirel (born 1983), Turkish tech blogger, web developer, and writer

Paul Irish

W3Fools: A website dedicated to educating the web developer community about the problems with W3Schools, a popular web technology reference resource.


The first speedcabling competition took place at the Machine Project art gallery in Los Angeles, California, and was won by local web developer Matty Howell.