
unusual facts about western hemlock

Boulder River Wilderness

Common vegetation in Boulder River Wilderness includes old-growth Douglas fir, true fir, western hemlock, and western red cedar, as well as bigleaf maple, alder, willow, and devil's club.

Clearwater Wilderness

Old-growth forests of Douglas-fir, Western Hemlock and Western Red Cedar, reachable by hiking trails, are nourished by many streams and eight small lakes, including Summit Lake.

Làrach Mòr

He created shelter through plantings of Western Hemlock, bamboo and hornbeam, and established other flowering plants such as Embothrium, Gevuina, Weinmannia, Lomatia, Cunninghamia and Magnolia.

Princess Royal Island

In the system of biogeoclimatic zones used by the British Columbia Ministry of Forests, the island is part of the Coastal Western Hemlock zone.

Tongass National Forest

Along with the the Central and North Coast regions of British Columbia designated by environmental groups as the Great Bear Rainforest, the Tongass is part of the "perhumid rainforest zone", and the forest is primarily made up of western red cedar, sitka spruce, and western hemlock.

see also


The mill used Tsuga heterophylla (western hemlock) trees to create a premium bleached paper pulp.