
unusual facts about Old-growth

1830 in sports

Rowland Bowen, Cricket: A History of its Growth and Development, Eyre & Spottiswoode, 1970

Abiotic stress

Abiotic stress is the most harmful factor concerning the growth and productivity of crops worldwide.

Adriana Kugler

Market Reforms, Factor Reallocation, and Productivity Growth in Latin America, (with Marcela Eslava, John Haltiwanger, and Maurice Kugler), in Norman Loayza and Luis Serven, eds.

André Sapir

As such, he was the coordinator of the landmark report on Europe's growth policy known as the Sapir Report.


Whether associated with these diseases or sporadic, angiomyolipomas are caused by mutations in either the TSC1 or TSC2 genes, which govern cell growth and proliferation.

Anti-Catholicism in the United Kingdom

This growth is, however, attributed by some to the rivalry between Rangers and Celtic football clubs as opposed to actual hatred of Catholics.

Arthur Pardee

In 1961 Pardee became Professor in Biochemical Sciences at Princeton University while in 1975 he moved to Boston to become Professor of Biological Chemistry and Molecular Pharmacology at the Dana-Farber Cancer Institute and Harvard Medical School as well as Chief for the Division of Cell Growth and Regulation at the Dana-Farber Cancer Institute.

Aserca Airlines

Aserca's operations were centred around Valencia, but it managed to develop Caracas as a hub after 1994 which made it experience a significant growth in its market share, expanding its network to Bogotá, Lima and Miami (no longer in service) via Aruba.

BEN domain

SMAR1 (Scaffold/Matrix attachment region-binding protein 1; also known as BANP), a tumour-suppressor MAR-binding protein that down-regulates Cyclin D1 expression by recruiting HDAC1-mSin3A co-repressor complex at Cyclin D1 promoter locus; SMAR1 is the target of prostaglandin A2 (PGA2) induced growth arrest.

Bremgarten, Aargau

Because of the growth, the city wall was taken down, and it was connected to the Swiss railway system in 1876.

Canaan, Haiti

In June 2013, the BBC World Service's World Have Your Say had a radio programme on Canaan's explosive growth, interviewing a man there who described how people from other displacement camps around Haiti and even other long-term residents of other areas of Haiti were increasingly coming to Canaan despite its lack of running water (there are pump stations, around which there are often fights), lack of a permanent hospital, and lack of transportation options outside daylight hours.

Cat Creek, Montana

The vegetation of the Cat Creek area is diverse with the plains areas featuring a sparse growth of buffalo grass, black sage and greasewood while on the northern bluffs, bull pine grow.

Chicago Inter Ocean

The growth of linotype newspapers printed on inexpensive newsprint in the 1890s led to another upheaval in the newspaper industry.

China Motor Corporation

The company has been listed on the Taiwan Stock Exchange since March 1991, and has repeatedly been recognized for its remarkable growth.


Researchers from the Wellcome Trust Sanger Institute reported that the mutation of CUX1 reduces the inhibitory effects of a biological inhibitor, PIK3IP1 (phosphoinositide-3-kinase interacting protein 1), resulted in higher activity of the growth promoting enzyme, phosphoinositide 3-kinase (PI3K) which leads to tumor progression.

Dorothy Buffum Chandler

Chandler served as a regent of the University of California from 1954 to 1968, during its period of most rapid growth, when the system grew from five to nine campuses.

Dynamic insulation

Warm moist air flowing out through the insulation and cooling rapidly increases the risk of condensation occurring within the insulation which will degrade the thermal performance of the wall and could, if prolonged, lead to mould growth and timber decay.

Ernest Fox Nichols

He was the first Dartmouth president since John Wheelock who was not a member of the clergy, yet his deep appreciation of the importance of broad-based scholarship to the moral and spiritual growth of students was internationally recognized.

Ernst G. Bauer

Medard W. Welch Award of the American Vacuum Society (1992) - "for his contributions to the fundamental understanding of thin film nucleation and growth and for his invention, development and use of multiple surface characterization techniques to study those thin films."

Fibroblast growth factor receptor 4

Fibroblast growth factor receptor 4 has been shown to interact with FGF1.

Frederick Temple

Temple's essay had dealt with the intellectual and spiritual growth of the race, and had pointed out the contributions made respectively by the Hebrews, the Egyptians, the Greeks, the Romans, and others.

Geology of East Sussex

For much of its history the Weald had been slowly subsiding basin, but the growth of the Alpine Chain to the south during the Cenozoic caused a reactivation of the Variscan basement basin-bounding faults, the rocks were arched into a broad anticline which stretched across the English Channel to Northern France, the Weald–Artois anticline.

Government of Australia

The growth of the ministry in the 1940s and 1950s made this increasingly impractical, and in 1956 Robert Menzies created a two-tier ministry, with only senior ministers holding Cabinet rank, also known within parliament as the front bench.

Grigori Marchenko

Marchenko gave a speech on "The development of Kazakhstan in the period of Globalization and the growth of financial markets" on 15 March 2006 at the Hong Kong Theater,Clement House, Aldwych, for the London School of Economics.

Growth hormone-binding protein

Normal serum levels of growth hormone Binding Protein 3 may rule out growth hormone insensitivities, like those seen in Laron syndrome.


HIF-1α causes the production of vascular endothelial growth factor, platelet derived growth factor B, erythropoietin and transforming growth factor alpha, which act to stimulate growth of cells within the tumour.

Hendon Brewery

With the growth of the Welsh Harp as a place of entertainment, Robb expanded the business by engaging engineers to build a new brewery in The Hyde by 1855.

History of Katowice

Extensive city growth and prosperity depended on the coal mining and steel industries, which took off during the Industrial Revolution.

History of responsa in Judaism

Responsa have been inspired or necessitated by economic growth, social movements, and advances in technology, which wrought sweeping changes in the lives and living conditions of the Jews in different countries, as well as within Judaic streams; e.g., those of Reform Judaism and Zionism.

Huntingtin-associated protein 1

This gene encodes a protein that interacts with huntingtin, with two cytoskeletal proteins (dynactin and pericentriolar autoantigen protein 1), and with a hepatocyte growth factor-regulated tyrosine kinase substrate (HGS).

Monkhouse Davison

The growth of the company is well documented in Owen Rutter's history of Davison Newman called At the three sugar loaves and crown.

Mr. Wilson's Cabinet of Wonder

"Cerebral growth" is also a pun, as one of the objects of the museum is a human horn.


In patients with Huntington's disease and chronic schizophrenia, oral doses of muscimol have been found to cause a rise of both prolactin and growth hormone.

National Farmers Organization

However, much of the initial impetus for the NFO’s early growth came from positive comments made by former Iowa Governor Daniel Webster Turner when he was asked about it by the press.

Nicholas Kay

In December 2013, following a parliamentary vote of confidence, Kay paid tribute to the outgoing Prime Minister Abdi Farah Shirdon, noting that Shirdon had endeavoured to promote growth and progress and was an important principal in establishing the New Deal Compact between Somalia and its international partners.

Orthodontic technology

Facemask or Reverse-pull Headgear is used to control the growth of the maxillary and mandibular bones during orthodontic treatment.


India's Supreme Court examined the facts related to the state government of Odisha's initiatives to enter into MoU to encourage economic growth in the state, and whether such development meets the intent of ecological and environmental laws of India.

Public capital

Empirical models that attempt to estimate the public investment and economic growth link involve a wide variety including: the Cobb-Douglas production function; a behavioral approach cost/profit function which includes public capital stock; Vector Auto Regression (VAR) models; and government investment growth regressions.


The village has seen a lot of growth among the students leaving to complete higher education including BE, ME, CA, MBA, MCA etc.

Richard Easterlin

He became interested in demography and population studies through his participation as a Research Associate from 1953 to 1955 in the landmark Study of population Redistribution and Economic Growth in the United States conducted by Simon Kuznets and Dorothy Thomas.

Rock, Wood County, Wisconsin

The general character of this Township is 2d & 3d rate the soil is mostly poor loam & sand, the timber is mostly Birch Oak Aspen TamaracK & Pine the Pine is 2d growth & very poor.

Rufous Hornero

Also known as the Red Ovenbird, it is common in savannas, second-growth scrub, pastures and agricultural land and is synanthropic.

Seymour Martin Lipset

Besides making substantial contributions to cleavage theory, with his partner Stein Rokkan, Lipset was one of the first proponents of the "theory of modernization", which holds that democracy is the direct result of economic growth.

Signs and Wonders

The recent emerging emphasis on signs and wonders began in 1981 when John Wimber delivered a lecture at Fuller Theological Seminary entitled, “Signs, Wonders and Church Growth.” From 1982 to 1985 Wimber taught the course, “The Miraculous and Church Growth.” The story of this course that many in the Pentecostal, Charismatic and Neocharismatic traditions would consider historic is told in Wagner’s Signs and Wonders Today, published in 1983.

Solitary Tinamou

But the birds can be plentiful enough to withstand some hunting for example in a mosaic of cabruca smallholder plantings, interspersed with secondary growth with dense caeté Marantaceae and Merostachys bamboo understorey as well as higher Guadua bamboo and full-grown heart-of-palm trees (Euterpe edulis).

Steven J. Burakoff

Before joining Mount Sinai, he was recruited by NYU to revitalize the research and treatment mission of NYU's Cancer Institute, which during his tenure experienced a 31 percent growth and a 50 percent increase in NCI funding.

United States Senate Finance Subcommittee on Fiscal Responsibility and Economic Growth

The Senate Finance Subcommittee on Fiscal Responsibility and Economic Growth is one of the six subcommittees within the Senate Committee on Finance, having been created on February 16, 2011, during the 111th Congress.

Wilhelm Pfeffer

He wanted to extend the chronophotographic experiments of Étienne-Jules Marey (1830-1904) by producing a short film involving the stages of plant growth.


YAGO (Yet Another Gigabit Operation) was an early LAN startup acquired by Cabletron Systems in the mid-1990s, fueling its growth into Gigabit Ethernet switching and ultimately being re-spun off into the entity Riverstone Networks.

see also

Barton Creek

The reserve is home to old-growth stands of juniper, oak, cedar and elm trees, rare woodland flowers and plants such as Heller's marbleseed and gravelbar brickellbush, endangered golden-cheeked warblers and black-capped vireos, and the threatened Guadalupe bass.

Berwick, Nova Scotia

Berwick has been home since the 1860s to a summer religious retreat operated by the United Church of Canada known as Berwick Camp, located in a picturesque grove of old-growth pines and hemlock trees at the south end of the town.

Boulder River Wilderness

Common vegetation in Boulder River Wilderness includes old-growth Douglas fir, true fir, western hemlock, and western red cedar, as well as bigleaf maple, alder, willow, and devil's club.

Brown Mountain forest

In 2008, logging recommenced in the Brown Mountain forest, despite Labor Party policy statements during the 2006 Victorian election campaign that they would protect Victoria's last remaining stands of old growth forest available for logging.

Some parts of Brown Mountain are already protected within the Errinundra National Park, other sections of forest designated as old growth by the Department of Sustainability and Environment between Legges Road and the Errinundra Road are under the control of VicForests, with logging being allowed.


Silva Carbonaria, the charcoal forest, the dense old-growth forest of beech and oak that formed a natural boundary during the Late Iron Age through Roman times into the Early Middle Ages across what is now Belgium

Clearwater Wilderness

Old-growth forests of Douglas-fir, Western Hemlock and Western Red Cedar, reachable by hiking trails, are nourished by many streams and eight small lakes, including Summit Lake.

Ontario Highway 71

Construction on this bridge was underway by March 1936; it was rapidly assembled using old-growth Douglas fir from British Columbia (BC) as the main structural members.

Rosalie Edge

In addition to founding the ECC and Hawk Mountain Sanctuary, Edge led the national grassroots campaigns to create Olympic National Park (1938) and Kings Canyon National Park (1940), and successfully lobbied Congress to purchase about 8,000 acres of old-growth sugar pines on the perimeter of Yosemite National Park that were to be logged.

Sanghir squirrel

This tropical tree squirrel is the most abundant mammal on heavily-cultivated Sangir, where it is found throughout the various ecosystems of the island (including towns and farms), but is especially concentrated in the dwindling old-growth lowland tropical rainforest.

Seitseminen National Park

The old-growth forests house hole nesters such as Eurasian Pygmy Owls, Ural Owls, Three-toed Woodpeckers, Red-breasted Flycatchers and the Siberian Flying Squirrel.