They also fought US soldiers; his elder brother was killed in the fight at Fort Phil Kearny during Red Cloud's attempt to clear the Bozeman Trail of US forts.
One tale recounts a Cheyenne version of the story of the great bear which is supposed to have put its claw marks on the side of Devils Tower, a feature later seen in the film Close Encounters of the Third Kind.
Arthropod leg | John Wooden | Leg before wicket | wooden roller coaster | Peg Leg Sam | leg before wicket | ''Zabalius aridus''. Note external ear slits on anterior Arthropod leg | Wooden Stars | Wooden Spoon Society | wooden leg | Wooden Churches of Maramureș | Unequal leg length | ''Torture stake'', a simple wooden torture stake. Image by Justus Lipsius | This pre-missionary wooden statue of Kamapua'a was found in a cave in up-country Maui. It is on display at the Bailey House Museum | The ''yagura'' of the Miura clan. Visible food offerings and some ''sotoba'' (small wooden stupa | Shawn Wooden | Peg Leg Bates | One Leg Kicking | Official Live 'Leg | Lung Leg | ''Lophira alata'' used as the pavement of wooden footbridge in Wrocław | Leg curl | leg | Julie Doiron and the Wooden Stars | fourth round's first leg | Brick stamp ''LEG XXIR'', found in Rheinzabern | Brick stamp ''LEG IV MAC'' found in Rheinzabern | Brick stamp ''LEG I AD'' found in Rheinzabern | Break a leg | A wooden carpenter's rule and other tools found on board the 16th century carrack |
He lost a leg in a fight with smugglers off the French coast, but although fitted with a wooden leg was of no use aboard the ship and was cast ashore.