
unusual facts about zeolite


Edith M. Flanigen

Edith Marie Flanigen (born January 28, 1929, Buffalo, New York) is an American chemist, known for her work on synthesis of emeralds, and later zeolites for molecular sieves at Union Carbide.

MAL Hungarian Aluminium

The company set up subsidiaries in Germany and Romania, and acquired majority holdings in the SILKEM, producing zeolites and ground alumina in Kidričevo, Slovenia, and Rudnici Boksita Jajce, which operates a high-grade bauxite mine near Jajce, central Bosnia.


Volcanic ashes and pumices largely composed of volcanic glass are commonly used, as are deposits in which the volcanic glass has been altered to zeolites by interaction with alkaline waters.

Rice Northwest Museum of Rocks and Minerals

Collections include petrified wood, various fossils, fluorescent minerals, meteorites, zeolites, and a variety of other minerals.

see also