
unusual facts about zipper

Dry suit

Modern dry suits have a waterproof zipper for entry and exit which was originally developed by NASA to hold air inside astronaut space suits.

Harvey Lembeck

The Von Zipper character, leader of the Rat Pack motorcycle gang, was a parody of Marlon Brando's role in The Wild One (Von Zipper reveals in Beach Blanket Bingo that one of his idols was "Marlo Brandon".) Among other things, Von Zipper pronounced his judgments on others by saying "Him, I like", or "Him, I do not like".

Herbert Zipper

In 1947, Zipper was offered a teaching post at The New School for Social Research in New York that had been founded in 1918 by Alvin Johnson, as one of the country’s first adult education centers.

Jack Staff

His relationship with Zipper tends to play into a common dynamic in those shows with him as Thaw's character Jack Regan and Nolan as George Carter.

Kooman and Dimond

Homemade Fusion is a song cycle, and was originally produced at Carnegie Mellon University, and moved on to venues such as The Pittsburgh CLO's Cabaret Space, The Zipper Theater, and Monday Nights New Voices Chicago.

Lizard's tail

Crassula muscosa, also known as Rattail Crassula, Watch Chain, Zipper Plant, or Princess Pine, a succulent plant native to South Africa

Neil Vipond

He appeared in the Patrick Hamilton play Rope (2005) at the off-Braodway theater The Zipper, New York, New York.

No. 1 Commando

The war ended before the Zipper landing could take place, and the commando went to liberate Hong Kong instead.

Toby Beau

The second album would score a Hot 100 single in the cover of John D. Loudermilk's "Then You Can Tell Me Goodbye," but otherwise the album remained a financial disappointment to the band, and less than a year after the release, Zipper, Rose, and Young departed, leaving Silva at the helm with one album left on the contract.

Zipper Catches Skin

Despite the worldwide release of the accompanying singleI Am the Future” Zipper Catches Skin did not chart in most countries, including in the US where it became Cooper’s first to not dent the Billboard Top 200 since Easy Action.

Zoe Motors

Neither host Bob Barker nor announcer Johnny Olson could keep from giggling when the incredulous contestant asked "What is that?" and later "It's a car?!" She did win it, and after enthusiastically hugging and kissing Barker, Barker quipped "If you want some affection, just give a lady a three-wheeled vehicle!" According to the show, the Zipper (the hardtop model) cost $3785.

The Zipper had angular styling inspired by Giorgetto Giugiaro's "folded paper" automotive designs seen on other early-1980s cars such as the De Lorean DMC-12 and the Lotus Esprit.

Perhaps the single best remembered part of the Zipper outside auto-enthusiast circles was its appearance as a prize on the TV game show The Price Is Right.

A four-seat Yugo, for example, boasted a $3990 price in the mid-80s, just slightly more than the Zipper.

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