
unusual facts about "Americanism"


In January 2010, Darvishan was the theatre of Taliban fanned violent anti-American demonstrations, following rumors of a desecration of the Qur'an in a U.S.-led military operation and maltreatment of women in the village of Barcha, about 6 miles south of Darvishan, during a raid to detain insurgents.

America Alone

He views anti-Americanism as a symptom of civilizational exhaustion, whether manifested by Muslims (to whom America symbolizes gay porn, children born out of wedlock, immodest women, and immorality) or by Europeans (to whom America symbolises a crude and radical Christianity, fat rednecks and uncontrolled firearms).

Cluster criticism

The following is an excerpt from a speech titled "Americanism" given by Warren G. Harding in 1920 regarding aid to European nations devastated by World War I. Terms bolded are those a critic might associate with the key term "Old World stabilization" and terms underlined are those a critic might associate with the key term "stabilize America."

Dangerous Hours

The film's working title was Americanism (Versus Bolshevism), the title of a pamphlet published by Ole Hanson, the mayor of Seattle who claimed to have broken the Seattle General Strike in 1919.

Herta Däubler-Gmelin

She encountered heavy criticism for expressing anti-americanism by many both in Germany and abroad, including members of the U.S. government such as Ari Fleischer and Condoleezza Rice.

Nouvelle Action Royaliste

The ideas of NAR are characterized by souverainism, anti-liberalism and anti-Americanism, and also adherence to the original form of Gaullism.

Otto Dohrenwend

He also served as a member of the national American Legion's Americanism Committee and on the board of trustees of Manhattanville College in Purchase, New York.

see also