
unusual facts about ''Downfall''

1981 England riots

Brixton (London), Toxteth (Liverpool) and Chapeltown (Leeds) were originally built as affluent areas of the city, however the relocation of industry, poor connections and the influx of migrant workers had led to a downfall in their fortunes and the large Victorian terraces and villas were divided up into low rent bed sits.

Abdul Momim

During the Civil war in Afghanistan, General Abdul Momim or Abdul Mumin(?-January 5, 1994), was an ethnic Tajik officer who played a crucial role in the downfall of the government of Mohammad Najibullah.

Abu Bakr Mirza

Abu Bakr Mirza - was self-declared Shah of Shirvan after downfall of Kavus Mirza.

Adelphi Records

The label name was crafted by Rosenthal to "suggest" a combination of the Greek oracle, nearby Adelphi, Maryland, as well as a tip of the hat to a John Fahey song, "The Downfall of the Adelphi Rolling Grist Mill".

Bertel Bruun

In 1978 he was in Tehran when the Shah of Iran was overthrown, leaving the country shortly before the Shah's downfall in an armored personnel carrier.

Chadian Armed Forces

The Chadian Armed Forces (Forces Armées Tchadiennes or FAT) were the army of the central government of Chad from 1960 to 1979, under the southern presidents François Tombalbaye and Félix Malloum, until the downfall of the latter in 1979, when the head of the gendarmerie, Wadel Abdelkader Kamougué, assumed command.

Charles de Villers

In 1814, after the downfall of the Kingdom of Westphalia, he was promptly sacked by the Government of the Kingdom of Hanover.

Clark Howell

The Constitution won the 1931 Pulitzer Prize for Howell's series exposing the Atlanta graft ring which led to six indictments and the downfall of Mayor I. N. Ragsdale's political career.

Cui Zhiyuan

Cui is close to Chongqing's mayor Huang Qifan and the city's now disgraced Party Secretary Bo Xilai prior to his political downfall and was seconded to the local government as an official.

David Peterson

The second reason for Peterson's downfall was the Patti Starr scandal.

Edward L. Alperson

What promised to be Alperson's good fortune turned out to be his downfall when he befriended James Cagney then on suspension from Warner Bros.

Erich Kempka

Erich Kempka was portrayed by Jürgen Tonkel in the 2004 German film Downfall (Der Untergang).

France Dimanche

A 1960s article under the headline "La Défaite des mauvaises femmes" (The downfall of the bad women) chronicles the separations of Maria Kallas, Eva Bartok and Brenda Lee from the "men they seduced", as the magazine claimed at the time.

Gesta Danorum

It is thought that Shakespeare never read Gesta Danorum, and instead had access to an auxiliary version of the tale describing the downfall of the Prince of Denmark, whose real name, Amleth, was used in anagram by Shakespeare for Hamlet.

Gobana Dacche

In addition to Gobena's actions, other northern Oromo militias, Tigrayan rebellion, and the constant incursion of Ottoman Empire and Egyptian forces near the Red Sea weakened and contributed to the downfall of Emperor Tewodros II who died after his last battle with a British expeditionary force.

Gus Caesar

Arsenal fan Nick Hornby in his 1992 book Fever Pitch muses on Caesar's downfall, pointing out that Caesar had considerable talent as a youth (or else Arsenal would have never signed him in the first place).

History of Bangalore

In 1117 C.E, the Hoysala king Veera Ballala II defeated the Cholas in the battle of Talakad which lead to the downfall of the Chola empire.

History of Dehradun

In between, until Najib-ul-Daula, the governor of Saharanpur, who later founded city of Najibabad, invaded the city with his army of Rohillas in 1757, and ruled here, leading to its wide spread development, though after his death in 1770, it was successively annexed by surrounding tribes of Rajputs, Gujjars, Sikhs and Gurkhas who ruled the region in quick succession, and lead to its steady downfall.

Indonesian killings of 1965–66

The purge was a pivotal event in the transition to the "New Order"; the Indonesian Communist Party (PKI) was eliminated as a political force, and the upheavals led to the downfall of president Sukarno and the commencement of Suharto's thirty-year presidency.

J. M. Fields

Many former J.M. Fields locations in the Northeast became either Kmart, Jefferson Ward (later Bradlees), or Caldor stores.

January Songs

Collaborators included The Wave Pictures, Elizabeth Morris (Allo Darlin'), Gordon McIntyre (Ballboy), Terry Edwards, DJ Downfall, Rotifer, Valentine Leys, Litoral, The Hillfields, Ghostwriter, Pete Astor, Harvey Williams and former Hefner members Jack Hayter and Antony Harding.

Jennings Gang

The gang originated in Oklahoma, following the downfall of the Wild Bunch at the hands of three Deputy US Marshals, Heck Thomas, Bill Tilghman, and Chris Madsen.

John Skelton

In Anthony Munday's Downfall of Robert, Earl of Huntingdon, Skelton acts the part of Friar Tuck, and Ben Jonson in his masque, The Fortunate Isles, introduced Skogan and Skelton in like habits as they lived.


Kali Yuga, the "Age of Downfall", is the fourth stage of the world development that we are currently in.

Lydia Millet

Eye Weekly summarized this black comedy, noting “American culture loves its stories of hubris, downfall and ruin as of late, but it takes a writer of Millet's sensitivity to enjoy the way down this much.”

Munif al-Razzaz

Following the downfall of Michel Aflaq, Salah al-Din al-Bitar and the moderates in general in the 1966 coup, Razzaz went underground.

Murray Waas

Ralph Nurnberger, a former staffer on the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, and professor at Georgetown University, later concluded in a study for the African Studies Review that the economic sanctions imposed against Amin by the U.S. led to Amin's downfall.Nurnberger wrote that the congressional initiative to impose the sanctions had garnered little attention or support until "Jack Anderson assigned one of his reporters, Murray Waas to follow the issue" and write regularly about it.

New Brunswick Route 2

The toll issue was not without controversy as it, along with several other issues, led to the downfall of McKenna's successor, Camille Thériault, in 1999 to PC leader Bernard Lord.

Otto Günsche

In the 2004 German film Downfall (Der Untergang), Otto Günsche is portrayed by Götz Otto.

Pierre Edmond Teisserenc de Bort

In 1846 he was returned to the Chamber of Deputies for Hérault, but the revolution of 1848 drove him into private life, from which he only emerged after the downfall of the Second Empire, when in February 1871 he was returned to the National Assembly.

Project Alpha

Perhaps the most famous example led to the downfall of TV evangelist and faith healer Peter Popoff, when Randi had a man pose as a woman with uterine cancer, which Popoff happily "cured".


The Post-Suharto era in Indonesia that began immediately after the downfall of Suharto as president in 1998

Robert Henry Clarence

After his downfall, he was rescued by a British warship that took him into exile together with 200 refugees to Puerto Limon, Costa Rica, and later to Jamaica.

Robert Preston, 1st Viscount Gormanston

After the downfall of the House of York, Gormanston, like most of the Anglo-Irish nobility, supported the pretender to the Crown, Lambert Simnel, but was pardoned in 1488 and restored to favour.

Robin Hood's Death

This version inspired the film Robin and Marian, where it is his lover, Maid Marian, now a nun, who is his downfall.

Roupell case

William Makepeace Thackeray satirised William's downfall as that of "Roupilius" in The Roundabout Papers.

Roy Gutman

While European Bureau Chief, from late 1989 to 1994, he reported on the downfall of the Polish, East German, and Czechoslovak regimes, the opening of the Berlin Wall, the unification of Germany, the first democratic elections in the former Eastern Bloc, and the violent disintegration of Yugoslavia.

Sayapaneni Nayaks

After the downfall of Vijayanagar, the clan went through many travails poignantly described in Dupaati Kaifiyat by a village Karanam.

Scott Alexander and Larry Karaszewski

Ed Wood led to a succession of offbeat biopics, including The People vs. Larry Flynt; Man on the Moon, about the short life of comedian Andy Kaufman; and Autofocus, chronicling the downfall and subsequent murder of Hogan's Heroes star Bob Crane, which they produced.


A downfall in the company's fortunes saw a further change of ownership in 1985 and production transferred to a shared factory in Amurrio.

Shoichiro Irimajiri

He became president of Sega in 1998, where he laid an ambitious plan using the Dreamcast to restore Sega's lost market share and prestige which took a severe downfall following the flawed launch of the Sega Saturn as well as the Sega 32X.

The Reluctant Queen

Unmentioned in the novel are Richard's eventual downfall and death at the battle of Bosworth and Elizabeth's rise as consort of the new king, and mother of a new dynasty, and the fate of Isabel's children Edward and Margaret who were executed in 1499 and 1541 respectively.

Things Fall Apart

He shows multiple hamartia, including hubris (pride) and ate (rashness), and these character traits do lead to his peripeteia, or reversal of fortune, and to his downfall at the end of the novel.

Udaipuri Mahal

The contemporary Venetian traveler Manucci speaks of her as a Georgian slave-girl of Dara Shikoh's harem, who, on the downfall of her first master, became the concubine of his victorious rival.

William Legge, 1st Earl of Dartmouth

He earned the regard of Robert Harley, another believer in moderation; Dartmouth in return remained a loyal friend after Harley's downfall.

see also