However, the uprising was quashed after two weeks when troops under Lt. Col. Suharto and Col. Alexander Evert Kawilarang arrived at Makassar only to find light resistance.
This turned out to be true as the US-backed regime led by Suharto took power by force of arms in 1965 and Indonesia endured a civil war in the months that followed.
At the time, many of Indonesia's banks were on the verge of collapse because of bad loans made during President Suharto's leadership and the country was seen as dangerous for foreign investment.
The newswire was part of Internet activism in Indonesia that contributed to civil activism and a student movement that ultimately toppled down Suharto in 1998.
In March 1967, Sukarno was stripped of his remaining power by Indonesia's provisional Parliament, and Suharto was named Acting President.
The purge was a pivotal event in the transition to the "New Order"; the Indonesian Communist Party (PKI) was eliminated as a political force, and the upheavals led to the downfall of president Sukarno and the commencement of Suharto's thirty-year presidency.
Following the fall of Suharto in the 1998 revolution, the Indonesian Parliament set up a Truth and Reconciliation Commission to analyse the mass killings, but it was suspended by the Indonesian High Court.
On 12 March 1967 Sukarno was stripped of his remaining power by Indonesia's provisional Parliament, and Suharto named Acting President.
This cozy deal led to accusations of nepotism and cronyism, as the project was the brainchild of Hutomo "Tommy" Mandala Putra, son of the then President Suharto.
Probosutedjo is the younger half-brother of former Indonesian president Suharto.
In 2010 Sukotjo was one of the historians doubting the influence of former Indonesian president Suharto during the 1 March 1949 offensive on Yogyakarta.
Later in the same year, President Suharto of Indonesia awarded her the First Class Order of Bintang Maha Putera.
Suharto | Tommy Suharto | Post-Suharto era | President Suharto's | Fall of Suharto | fall of Suharto |
The AJI was founded in 1994 by Satrio Arismunandar, Ahmad Taufik and Goenawan Mohamad, the founder and editor of Tempo magazine, in response to the banning by the Suharto government of three magazines: Tempo, Editor, and Detik.
Rais led ICMI's Expert Council, but resigned in 1997 under pressure from Suharto because he argued on the Busang and the Freeport cases.
The controversy over Tommy Suharto's case did not stop Antasari from being elected Chairman of the Indonesian Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) in December 2007, defeating Chandra M. Hamzah by 41 votes in the election held by the 49 members of the Indonesian House of Representatives' (DPR) Commission III on legal affairs.
Out of the Berkeley Mafia group, only Widjojo continued to have a significant influence within government during the post-Suharto Reform era, by becoming an economic advisor to presidents Habibie, Wahid (Gus Dur), and Megawati.
Bob Hasan, another Suharto acquaintance, negotiated a deal whereby Bre-X would have a 45% share, Freeport-McMoRan Copper & Gold would run the mine, and Hasan would get a cut as well.
Stating that a small company like Bre-X could not exploit the site by itself, the Indonesians suggested that Bre-X share the site with the large Canadian mining firm Barrick Gold, in association with Suharto's daughter Siti Hardiyanti Rukmana.
The party was established by former members of the Golkar Party who were dissatisfied with Golkar's abandonment of former president Suharto including former minister Hartono and Suharto's daughter Siti Hardiyanti Rukmana.
In October 1975, ten years after the incident and after Suharto had become President, the Indonesian government sent a delegation of "military men and government intellectuals", led by intelligence officers Ali Murtopo and Benny Moerdani, to present a complete briefing of the coup and the events leading up to it.
Darus Suharto (born 1968) is a poker player born in Indonesia and currently residing in Toronto, Canada, where he works as a Certified General Accountant at York University, and is a member of the Certified General Accountants of Ontario.
However, Suharto received orders to abort the operation while he was already in-place at advanced headquarters in Peleng island, off Sulawesi.
This, what press said was Rabin's unscheduled visit, happened during Suharto's chairmanship of the Non-Aligned Movement and shortly after the Oslo Accords.
Following the killing of 6 top generals and failed coup attempt, the surviving general, Suharto, accepted President Sukarno's order to take control of the army.
By this time, Moerdani had also made an enemy out of Prabowo Subianto, Suharto's son in law.
Finally, there are four vehicles: Yani's official car, the jeep Suharto used at the time, a truck used by the kidnappers and a Saracen armored car used to transport the bodies away from the scene after they had been recovered.
Pancasila Youth played an important role in supporting Suharto's military coup in 1965: they ran death squads for the Indonesian army, killing a million or more alleged communists and Chinese Indonesians across the province of North Sumatra, as described in the 2012 documentary The Act of Killing.
At a general meeting of the commanders of Indonesia's Armed Forces (ABRI) on 27 March 1980, President Suharto said that ABRI had promised to commit itself to not amending the Indonesian state philosophy of Pancasila or the 1945 Constitution.
In 1996 he was involved in protests against Suharto’s crackdown on the Indonesian Democratic Party (PRD).
Considered the unseen power behind the throne, General Wiranto of the Chief of Staff over the military that was central to the New Order, is believed to have been behind the decision of Suharto to step down.
The Post-Suharto era in Indonesia that began immediately after the downfall of Suharto as president in 1998
It was during a meeting of this Cabinet that unidentified troops surrounded the Presidential Palace causing to Sukarno to escape to Bogor from where he gave Supersemar to Lieutenant General Suharto.
He said he had asked Third Deputy Prime Minister Johannes Leimena to take a written order to Suharto, and that he would wait to see what Suharto's reaction was – whether he would obey it or not.
Sukarno left the palace in haste for Bogor, where later that night, he signed the Supersemar document transferring authority to restore order to Major General Suharto.