
unusual facts about ''Masséna''

Anna Masséna, Duchess of Rivoli

Anna Masséna, Duchess of Rivoli (1802–1887) was the wife of Francois Victor Massena, 2nd Duke of Rivoli.

Archduke Charles, Duke of Teschen

In the campaign of 1799 he once more opposed Jourdan, whom he defeated in the battles of Ostrach and Stockach, following up his success by invading Switzerland and defeating Masséna in the First Battle of Zurich, after which he re-entered Germany and drove the French once more over the Rhine.

Battle of Rovereto

On 3 September, Masséna attacked 1,500 of Vukassovich's troops near Ala and drove them back to Marco on the east bank of the Adige.

Battle of Sabugal

A French commander, Baron Thiébault, blamed the collapse of the 2nd Corps for the French defeat on 3 April, stating that "It might have been avoided if General Reynier had had faith in Massena’s foresight".

Carlo Filangieri

He returned to Naples as captain on Masséna's staff to fight the Bourbons and the Austrians in 1806, and subsequently went to Spain, where he followed Joseph Bonaparte in his retreat from Madrid.

Charles Edward Jennings de Kilmaine

Among the former were Kilmaine, Berthier, Marescat, Kleber, Massena, Macdonald, Ney, Victor, and others whose names were to become famous in future wars as the marshal dukes of the great military empire.

Claude Dallemagne

On 3 August, Ott repulsed his attack on Gavardo but this action allowed Masséna to mass against and destroy Joseph Ocskay's brigade.

François Franceschi-Losio

Born in Milan, he served through the Italian campaign of 1796-97, and subsequently, like Franceschi-Delonne, with Masséna at Zurich and at Genoa, and at the headquarters of King Joseph Bonaparte in Italy and Spain.

Francois Victor Massena, 2nd Duke of Rivoli

The Slaty-tailed (Massena) Trogon and Magnificent (Rivoli's) Hummingbird were named in his honor.

Gabriel Jean Joseph Molitor

He was sent with Massena to Italy in 1805, where he served at Vago and Caldiero.

Grenadiers à Cheval de la Garde Impériale

Masséna had been busy besieging general Wellington in Lisbon, but he was not able to pierce the fortified Lines of Torres Vedras and subsequently retreated to Almeida.

Jean Baptiste Noël Bouchotte

The predominant rôle of the Committee of Public Safety during that period did not leave much scope for the new minister, yet he rendered some services in the organization of the republican armies, and chose his officers with insight, among them Kléber, Masséna, Moreau and Bonaparte.

John Stuart, Count of Maida

Thus exposed, Naples fell to the advancing troops of Masséna but Gaeta still held out for King Ferdinand and Masséna's main force became locked up in the siege of this fortress.

Montenotte Campaign

On 14 April, Bonaparte directed Masséna and Laharpe to attack Argenteau in the Second Battle of Dego.

New York State Route 11B

The Nicholville–Lawrenceville segment of NY 2A was concurrent with NY 56, another route assigned in the mid-1920s that extended from Massena in the northwest to Meacham Lake in the southeast via Winthrop and Saint Regis Falls.

Payne Erskine

His father Massena Erskine was a partner in the J.I. Case Threshing Machine Company.

see also