
unusual facts about ''Susanna and the Elders'', 1610 - Schönborn Collection, Pommersfelden

Andrea Lanzani

He had the opportunity during the latter period to work at the most illustrious courts of Central Europe for clients such as Prince Eugene of Savoy, Prince Adam von Liechtenstein and Count Kaunitz, as attested by major works such the frescoes in the Castle of Slavkov near Slavkov u Brna in the present day Czech Republic, and two canvases at the Schloss Galerie, Pommersfelden.

Artemisia Gentileschi

The first work of the young seventeen-year-old Artemisia was the Susanna e i Vecchioni (Susanna and the Elders) (1610, Schönborn collection in Pommersfelden).

Federiko Benković

By 1715, he came to the service of the Archbishop-Elector of Mainz Lothar Franz von Schönborn and was to complete four large canvas masterpieces for the gallery in the Schloss Weißenstein in the town of Pommersfelden: Apollo and Marcia, Hagar and Ishmael in the desert, Iphigenia’s sacrifice and Abraham’s sacrifice of Isaac.

Jan Joost van Cossiau

He was also director of the electoral gallery at Pommersfelden, where he established the final directory of paintings, after the first survey by Johann Rudolph Bys.

see also