
unusual facts about ''The Inheritors''

Dance of the Tiger

Kurtén wasn't the first novelist to examine the subject, for instance author William Golding also examined the issue of Neanderthal extinction in The Inheritors.


The Inheritors (1998 film) (original title Die Siebtelbauern), an Austrian-German film directed by Stefan Ruzowitzky

see also

Iwellemmedan people

Engaged in long struggle with the inheritors of the 15th century CE Moroccan conquest of the Songhai Empire, the Iwellemmedan Kel Ataram clans eventually imposed indirect rule over Timbuktu, along with all of the Niger River valley from the Niger inland delta to what ito the town of Say, Niger.

John Wayne Shot Me

Allegedly due to a legal issue about their bandname with the inheritors of the late actor Marion Michael Morrison, also known as John Wayne, the band decided to split up in December 2006 .

Princes of Wagram

After Louis Alexandre Berthier, the inheritors of the dual title (duc de Valengin) are most often referred to as "Prince de Wagram." Each of them lived at Château de Grosbois, a large estate in Boissy-Saint-Léger, Val-de-Marne, southeast of Paris.