The manuscripts of Matthew Parker, and their dependent copies, preserve the following genealogy of Ælla: "Ælla was the son of Yffe, the son of Uxfrea, the son of Wilgisl, the son of Westerfalca, the son of Sæfugl, the son of Sæbald, the son of Segegeat, the son of Swebdæg, the son of Sigegar, the son of Wædæg, the son of Woden."
What is known from history is that in 588 King Ælla of Deira died, and Æthelfrith of Bernicia took the opportunity to invade and conquer Deira, driving Ælla 's 3-year old infant son, the future Edwin of Northumbria, into exile.
Deira | Osric of Deira | Oswine of Deira | Ælla of Deira | Œthelwald of Deira |