
unusual facts about Maj. Gen.

Sedgwick House

Maj. Gen. John Sedgwick House, Cornwall, Connecticut, listed on the National Register of Historic Places

12th West Virginia Volunteer Infantry Regiment

For much of the first half of 1864, the regiment served at Winchester, Virginia, under Maj. Gen. Robert H. Milroy, and were defeated in their first significant combat action during the Second Battle of Winchester, being pushed off a wooded ridgeline near Kernstown, Virginia, by elements of the Confederate brigade of John B. Gordon on June 13.

19th Tennessee Infantry

In September, Maj. Gen. Leonidas Polk committed one of the Confederacy's worst strategic blunders by seizing Columbus, Kentucky, and ending the state's neutrality, thereby opening the door for Union forces to move through the Bluegrass State.

Alabama Air National Guard

Maj. James A. Meissner, a World War I ace who had flown with Capt. Eddie Rickenbacker, led the effort to form the unit and served as its first commander.

Ario Pardee, Jr.

During that latter campaign, XX Corps became part of Maj. Gen. Henry Warner Slocum’s Army of Georgia.

Army of Central Kentucky

The Department No. 2 (Western Department) was created on June 25, 1861, under the command of Maj. Gen. Leonidas Polk, and had military jurisdiction and control over parts of Alabama, Tennessee, Arkansas, Mississippi, and Louisiana.

Battle of Adairsville

The 44th Illinois and 24th Wisconsin infantry regiments led by Maj. Arthur MacArthur, Jr. (father of Douglas MacArthur) attacked Benjamin F. Cheatham's division and suffered heavy losses.

Battle of Camp Wildcat

Brig. Gen. Felix Zollicoffer's Confederates moved from Tennessee in an effort to push from Cumberland Gap into central Kentucky and gain control of the important border state.

Battle of Lynchburg

At Lexington on June 11, Hunter fought with Confederate cavalry under Brig. Gen. John McCausland, who withdrew to Buchanan.

Battle of Majuba Hill

The Right Perspective interviews Dr. Lets Pretorius, Maj. Henry Pinkham (ret.) of the SADF, Gerhard Combrinck, and 92-year old Oom Harhetz van Blerk, about Majuba Day, the day commemorating the battle.

Battle of Moorefield

After the pickets were sent to the rear, Averell rode up and prepared for his attack, placing Maj. Thomas Gibson in the center along the Moorefield road.

Battle of Rice's Station

On April 6, 1865, Confederate Lt. Gen. James Longstreet's command reached Rice's Station, only to discover that it was blocked by Union troops led by Maj. Gen. John Gibbon.

Culp's Hill

He sent a small party to reconnoiter, and they encountered the 7th Indiana Infantry of the I Corps, part of Brig. Gen. James S. Wadsworth's division, which had been in the rear guarding the corps trains and was now linked up with the Iron Brigade, digging in following their fierce battle on Seminary Ridge.

Dana J.H. Pittard

On May 24, 2013, Maj. General Pittard relinquished command to Maj. General Sean MacFarland.

Death of Elza Kungayeva

Valery Gerasimov, acting commander of the Western Group of Forces, and his deputy, Maj.

False title

He added that the phrase "right-wing spokesman Maj. Roberto D'Aubuisson" was ambiguous, as the reader could not tell whether D'Aubuisson was the single spokesman for the Salvadoran right wing or one of many.

Frank Crawford Armstrong

In February 1864, Armstrong requested a transfer to the command of Maj. Gen. Stephen D. Lee.

History of the United States National Security Council 1974–77

Hence, there was a Cabinet shakeup on November 3, 1975, and Ford named Lt. Gen. Brent Scowcroft, Kissinger's deputy at the NSC, as National Security Advisor.

Humboldt, Kansas

The Confederate raiders were commanded by Maj. Gen. Sterling Price and most of the troops and militia went to meet the threat further east.

International Peace Institute

Its first President was Maj. Gen. Indar Jit Rikhye, a distinguished Indian commanding officer of UN peacekeeping forces and a former military advisor to the UN Secretary-General.

Islamabad Tonight

On civil-military relations in Pakistan, he interviewed Admiral (R) Fasih Bokhari, Gen. Moinuddin Haider and Javed Jabbar, Lt. Gen. Shahid Aziz and programmes with former Army Chief General Mirza Aslam Baig, former Director General ISI Gen. (R) Asad Durrani.

The programs on war on terror and security issues of Pakistan included interviews of former Director General ISI Lt. Gen. (R) Hamid Gul, Clifford D. May, Brig (R) Mian Mahmood, Seymour Hersh.

Joseph E. Johnston

He defended the Confederate capital of Richmond, Virginia, during the 1862 Peninsula Campaign, withdrawing under the pressure of a superior force under Union Maj. Gen. George B. McClellan.

Joseph Fox the younger

1- Emily (aft Mar 1792 – Newton Abbott, South Devon, 8 Mar 1866, ) married Philipp Sleeman (1791/2-31 Mar 1869), brother of Maj General William Henry Sleeman, Governor of Lucknow, who joined the Indian Army in 1809 and wrote the History of the Thugs (hired gangs of murderers).

Kenner Garrard

As a loyal Unionist, he was imprisoned by Confederate authorities following the surrender of U.S. troops by Maj. Gen. David E. Twiggs.

Lincoln American Tower

Freeing prisoners from Irving Block Prison was one of the three major objectives of Maj. Gen. Nathan Bedford Forrest's raid in the Second Battle of Memphis.

Little Round Top

At around 4 p.m. on July 2, 1863, Confederate Lt. Gen. James Longstreet's First Corps began an attack ordered by General Robert E. Lee that was intended to drive northeast up the Emmitsburg Road in the direction of Cemetery Hill, rolling up the Union left flank.

Lysander Cutler

During the Battle of Fredericksburg in December, however, division commander Maj. Gen. Abner Doubleday placed Cutler in temporary command of the Iron Brigade for a few hours, dissatisfied with what he considered tardy execution of orders by Col. Meredith.

Medal of Honor Aircraft

Some aircraft were recognized following their crew's award but were not preserved, including Butch O'Hare's F4F, which wasn't stricken until two and one half years after his MoH action, as well as Maj. James H. Howard's "borrowed" P-51, whose identity remains a mystery.

Ntshingwayo Khoza

He outmanoeuvred Lt. Gen. Lord Chelmsford, diverting part of the British force, then defeating and annihilating the encamped British Army at the Battle of Isandlwana, after the epic battle he became Britain's biggest foe.

Paul J. Mueller

The 81st Infantry Division, known as the Wildcat Division, had been commanded by Maj. Gen. Gustave H. Franke since its reactivation in June 1942.

Perryville Battlefield State Historic Site

The battle was fought on October 8, 1862, between the Union Army of the Ohio, commanded by Maj. Gen. Don Carlos Buell, and the Confederate Army of Mississippi, commanded by Gen. Braxton Bragg.


Among the board members appointed by the Regional Health Authority, the politically appointed are Kristin Ørmen Johnsen, Barbro-Lill Hætta-Jacobsen, Eirik Moen, Sigbjørn Molvik and Maj-Britt Svastuen, and the other are Liv Arum, Randi Flesland and Stig Slørdahl.

Rodney McKeever

Citadel President Lt. Gen. George M. Seignious stressed that his departure had nothing to do with basketball, the coach, or the team.

Rowena Farre

This is confirmed by family trees published on Ancestry.com and elsewhere which show Daphne Lois Macready as the daughter of Brig. Gen. John Macready (1887-1957) and Marguerite Mary Milling (1890-1982).

Samuel Ryan Curtis

In 1864, Curtis returned to Missouri, fighting against the Confederate invasion led by Maj. Gen. Sterling Price.

Second Corps, Army of Northern Virginia

This unit was also known as the Second Division and was eventually subsumed into general Robert E. Lee's Army of Northern Virginia as a reserve in Maj. Gen. D. H. Hill's Division.

Siege of Suffolk

Maj. Gen. George Pickett's Confederate division probed Foster's and Dodge's fronts driving in the Union picket lines.

Sir John Murray, 8th Baronet

Meanwhile, Maj-Gen Charles Decaen sent Maj-Gen Maurice Mathieu with 6,000 men south from Barcelona to interfere with the siege.

Sri Lanka Army Commando Regiment

Maj. Sunil Peris from 1GW, Capt. Sarath Handapangoda from 1st SR and three other ranks were selected as a Core Group and training commenced in the Ella Camp, Army Training Centre, Diyatalawa.

A Commando squadron was formed in Gemunu Watch ‘B’ Camp at Diyatalawa and Maj S.D. Peiris GW was appointed officer commanding, and Capt. Sarath Handapangoda was appointed as 2nd In Command.

Sultan Hashim Ahmad al-Tai

Dawood Bagistani, who arranged the surrender to Maj. Gen. David Petraeus, said Ahmad was handed over "with great respect" and was with his family at the time.

The Key to Rebecca

In 1985, The Key to Rebecca was adapted into a film, directed by David Hemmings and starring David Soul as Alex Wolff and Cliff Robertson as Maj. William Vandam.

Thomas Kilby Smith

This unit was attached to Col. Thomas Kilby Smith and Brig. Gen. Joseph Andrew Jackson Lightburn's (assumed command May 24, 1863) 2nd Brigade of Maj. Gen.

Thunder on South Mountain

In this battle, Union forces fought under the command of Maj. Gen. George B. McClellan and Confederate forces were under the command of Maj. Gen. Daniel Harvey Hill.

Timeline of Kentucky in the American Civil War

October 8, 1862 • Confederate General Braxton Bragg's invasion of Kentucky comes to an end when his army defeats Union Maj. Gen. Don Carlos Buell at the Battle of Perryville, but then withdraws through the Cumberland Gap, leaving Eastern Kentucky in Union hands for the rest of the war.

Transit Center at Manas

On 6 September 2006, U.S. Air Force officer Maj. Jill Metzger went missing after being separated from her group while visiting a shopping center in Bishkek.

Vadamarachchi Operation

Both Brig. (later Lt. Gen.) Denzil Kobbekaduwa and Col. (later Maj. Gen.) Vijaya Wimalaratne were killed on August 8, 1992, while making preparations for an operation to capture the Jaffna Peninsula.

see also

614th Space Operations Squadron

A ceremony celebrating their past and look toward the future was conducted by Maj Gen William L. Shelton on 18 Jun 2007 in front of the HQ 14 AF.

Alfred Iverson, Jr.

The division of Maj. Gen. Robert E. Rodes began its attack from Oak Hill with the brigades of Col. Edward A. O'Neal and Iverson.

Army of West Virginia

It should not be confused with the official Union Army VIII Corps, which was commanded by Maj. Gen. Lew Wallace and on guard duty along the B & O Railroad during this time.

Atlanta Campaign

Concurrent attempts by two columns of Union cavalry to cut the railroads south of Atlanta ended in failure, with one division under Maj. Gen. Edward M. McCook completely smashed at the Battle of Brown's Mill and the other force also repulsed and its commander, Maj. Gen. George Stoneman, taken prisoner.

Battle of Piedmont

Maj. Gen. Julius Stahel's cavalry led the advance, driving back Imboden's outposts.

Battle of Spotsylvania Court House

(Stevenson was killed on May 10 and was replaced in command of the 1st Division by Col. Daniel Leasure then Maj. Gen. Thomas L. Crittenden)

Battle of Spring Hill

Hood moved through northern Alabama and concentrated his army at Florence from October 30 to November 21, waiting for supplies and to link up with his newly assigned cavalry commander, Maj. Gen. Nathan Bedford Forrest.

Battle of Totopotomoy Creek

Maj. Gen. Stephen Dodson Ramseur of Early's corps, newly promoted to division command, recklessly charged the Union artillery at 6:30 p.m.

Battle of Wyse Fork

Schofield, with the units from Alfred Terry's Expeditionary Corps, moved north from Wilmington, while Maj. Gen. Jacob D. Cox took his XXIII Corps division and sailed up the coast and landed at New Bern, North Carolina.

Board of War

Mifflin persuaded Congress to expand the board to five members, which it did on November 24, and recommended Richard Peters (the permanent secretary of the old board) and Maj. Gen. Horatio Gates for the new vacancies.

Bristoe Campaign

On October 13, Maj. Gen. J.E.B. Stuart was on one of his typical cavalry raids to capture supply wagons and blundered into the rear guard of the Union III Corps near Warrenton.

Camp Ben Butler

On October 6 400 guerrillas under William C. Quantrill attacked Fort Blair and then attacked an approaching column of troops commanded by Maj. Gen. James Blunt.

Cemetery Ridge

On the first day of the Battle of Gettysburg, Cemetery Ridge was unoccupied for much of the day until the Union army retreated from its positions north of town, when the divisions of Brig. Gen. John C. Robinson and Maj. Gen. Abner Doubleday from the I Corps were placed on the northern end of the ridge, protecting the left flank of the XI Corps on Cemetery Hill.

During the morning of the battle's 2nd day (July 2), Army of the Potomac commander Maj. Gen. George G. Meade shifted units to receive an expected Confederate attack on his positions.

Dan Harel

Though it was expected that he would retire after the disengagement, Harel was appointed Israel's Defense & Defense Cooperation attaché to Washington in January 2006, replacing Maj. Gen. Amos Yadlin.

David Hunter

In the Valley Campaigns of 1864, Union Maj. Gen. Franz Sigel was ordered by Lt. Gen. Ulysses S. Grant to move into the Shenandoah Valley, threaten railroads and the agricultural economy there, and distract Robert E. Lee while Grant fought him in eastern Virginia.

Fort Fetterman

During the mid-1870s and onset of the Black Hills War with the Lakota, Cheyenne, and Arapaho tribes, the monotony of camp life was broken by a series of major military expeditions, including Maj. Gen. George Crook's Power River Expedition of 1876 and Col. Ranald S. Mackenzie's 1876 campaign against Dull Knife.

Fort Ruckman

During the 1920s, this area was renamed in honor of Maj. Gen. John Wilson Ruckman, a former Colonel in the Coast Artillery.

George Sykes

Sykes' division was forced to retreat after being attacked on the right flank by Maj. Gen. Robert E. Rodes' division, then the army commander, Maj. Gen. Joseph Hooker, nervously recalled his advance to a defensive position and Sykes' men were not engaged for the remainder of the campaign.

George W. Getty

He was wounded in the Battle of the Wilderness, but recovered to lead his troops during the lengthy Siege of Petersburg, and later in Maj. Gen. Philip Sheridan's Shenandoah Valley Campaign.

Henry Baxter

During the Battle of Antietam, as lieutenant colonel of his regiment, he was wounded again in the right leg as his regiment was decimated along with the rest of Maj. Gen. John Sedgwick's division during an ambush.

Iraq War order of battle 2009

1st Cavalry Division (Maj. Gen. Daniel P. Bolger)—Camp Victory, Baghdad

Israeli checkpoint

Palestinian complaints of abuse and humiliation are common: Israel Defense Forces' Judge Advocate General, Maj. Gen. Dr. Menachem Finkelstein, states that "there were many—too many—complaints that soldiers manning checkpoints abuse and humiliate Palestinians and that the large number of complaints 'lit a red light' for him".

James H. Wilson

Grant promoted him to brevet major general on May 6, 1864, and had him assigned to command a division of cavalry under Maj. Gen. Philip Sheridan, which he did with boldness and skill in numerous fights of the Overland Campaign and in the Valley Campaigns of 1864.

John Baillie McIntosh

When a Confederate attack led by Maj. Gen. Wade Hampton was at its height, McIntosh led some of his men in a flank attack on the attacking troopers.

Kevin C. Kiley

Francis J. Harvey had appointed Kiley to return to Walter Reed as acting commander, replacing his original successor at the post, Maj. Gen. George W. Weightman, who had been fired by Harvey that day.

Oliver Edwards

After the battle, Maj. Gen. John Sedgwick extended his compliments to the 37th for holding their ground.

Orna Barbivai

On 26 May 2011, Israeli Defense Minister Ehud Barak approved her appointment as head of the IDF's Manpower Directorate, replacing Maj. Gen. Avi Zamir.

Panay Liberation Day

The planners chose to seize the western portion, including northwestern Negros and Panay island, during Operation VICTOR I. Lt. Gen. Robert L. Eichelberger, the Eighth Army commander, appointed the 40th Infantry Division, a California National Guard formation and veterans of the recent Battle of Luzon, under Maj. Gen. Rapp Brush, with the 503rd Airborne Regimental Combat Team in reserve.

Preservation efforts of the Fredericksburg battlefield

Over this ground Federal troops under Maj. Gen. George Meade and Brig. Gen. John Gibbon launched their assault against Lt. Gen. Thomas "Stonewall" Jackson's Confederates holding the southern portion of the Army of Northern Virginia's line at Fredericksburg.

Punjab Boundary Force

Maj Gen Rees was provided Brig D.S. Brar and Brig M. Ayub Khan (who later became Field Marshall & President of Pakistan)from India and Pakistan respectively as "Military Advisors".

Second Battle of Kernstown

Brig. Gen. Gabriel C. Wharton's division, led by Maj. Gen. John C. Breckinridge, formed the Confederate right, with its flank screened by Brig. Gen. John C. Vaughn's cavalry.

States Rights Gist

After the Battle of Atlanta, Gist commanded a brigade under Maj. Gen. John C. Brown during Lt. Gen. John Bell Hood's Franklin-Nashville Campaign.

William Yelverton, 4th Viscount Avonmore

He married, secondly, Mrs. Emily Marianne Forbes (née Ashworth), daughter of Maj.-Gen. Sir Charles Ashworth and Mary Anne Rooke, on 26 June 1858, in Trinity Chapel, Edinburgh, Scotland; Emily Forbes, at the time of the marriage, was the widow of Prof. Edward Forbes, the naturalist.