
6 unusual facts about Sergey Kirov

Edvard Radzinsky

His book Stalin: The First In-depth Biography Based on Explosive New Documents from Russia's Secret Archives discusses a number of well known controversies about Joseph Stalin, including the existence of a fuller text of Lenin's Testament, the alleged involvement of Stalin as an agent of the Tsarist secret police, and the role of Stalin in the death of his wife and the murder of Sergey Kirov.

Galina Kravchenko

After the party leader Sergey Kirov was assassinated on Dec. 1, 1934, Kamenev was secretly tried and sentenced, on false accusations for having contributed to the crime.

Ignatius Stelletskii

In December 1934, the excavations were discontinued because of Sergey Kirov’s assassination.

Sergey Kirov

One theory is that the name Kir reminded him of the ancient Persian leader Cyrus the Great while another is that he took his name from St. Kir after seeing a calendar of Russian Orthodox saints.

The cities of Kirov, Kirovohrad, Kirovakan, and Kirovabad, as well as a few Kirovsks, were renamed in Kirov's honor after his assassination.

This match is the longest enduring annual organised race in speedskating apart from the World Speed Skating Championships and the European Speed Skating Championships.

Gillian Slovo

The novel incorporates real events (the death of Sergey Kirov) with a fictionalised rendering of life during the Siege of Leningrad.

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