
unusual facts about 1 Decembrie 1918 University, Alba Iulia

1 Decembrie 1918 University, Alba Iulia

Its Latin name, Universitas Apulensis, refers to the historical region known as Apulensis within Roman Dacia where the University is located.

Aurel Vlaicu

On return from Aspern he flew demonstration flights throughout Transylvania at Arad, Lugoj, Hațeg, Orăștie, Vršac, Alba Iulia, Săliște, Târgu Mureș and Dumbrăveni.

Fasole cu cârnaţi

Also a traditional Army dish, fasole cu cârnaţi is prepared by Army cooks and served freely to the crowds during the National Day celebrations (on 1 December) in Bucharest and Alba Iulia.

Marcello Squarcialupi

From Poschiavo, 1587, he wrote to the Senate in Alba Iulia, though it is not certain the letter was ever delivered.

Marcello Squarcialupi (Piombino c.1538-Alba Iulia 1599) was an Italian physician, astronomer, and Protestant exile in Basel, then a Unitarian exile in Transylvania.

Piatra Tomii

The chief investigator of this archaeological site is Dr. Cristian Popa of the 1 Decembrie 1918 University, Alba Iulia.


Áron Márton (1896–1980), longstanding Roman Catholic bishop of Alba Iulia and tireless crusader against Romanian Communism.

Unirea, Alba

Unirea is located on the Mureş River, in the north-east corner of Alba County, approximately 50 km from the county capital, Alba Iulia, and 20 km from the town of Turda, on the Romanian National Road DN1.

see also