
unusual facts about 104th Wellesley's Rifles

5th Battalion Bombay Sepoys

104th Wellesley's Rifles which was called the 5th Battalion Bombay Sepoys in 1775

123rd Outram's Rifles

As part of the reforms of the Indian forces, Outram's Rifles were amalgamated in 1922 with five other regiments, including the 125th Napier's Rifles, to form the 6th Rajputana Rifles.

Helene Weigel

She is most noted for creating several Brecht roles, including: Pelagea Vlassova, The Mother of 1932; Antigone in Brecht's version of the Greek tragedy; the title role in his civil war play, Señora Carrar's Rifles; and the iconic Mother Courage.

Vladimir Pogačić

Between 1945 and 1947 he worked as a screenwriter and director at Radio Zagreb (present-day Croatian Radio) and as a director at the Zagreb student theatre, where he directed a local production of Señora Carrar's Rifles in 1947, the first-ever work by Bertolt Brecht staged in Yugoslavia).

Walter Shuldham

He was seconded (on probation) to the Indian Army as a Lieutenant on the 15 March 1917 and was posted to the 104th Wellesley's Rifles.

see also