
unusual facts about 15th Street

Suburban Station

The connections include the Broad Street Line at the City Hall station and the Market-Frankford Line and Subway-Surface Lines at the 15th Street station.

see also

Avenue of the Arts, Inc.

Philadelphia’s Avenue of the Arts Corridor (13th-15th Street) extends along Broad Street from Temple University (Glenwood Avenue) in North Philadelphia to Washington Avenue in South Philadelphia.

Jules Henri de Sibour

In 1923, J.H. deSibour also designed the Lee House, an eight-story hotel at the northwest corner of 15th Street and L Street NW, for the Kenwood Corporation.

Watervliet, New York

The Watervliet Turnpike Company in 1828 built present-day New York State Route 32 from the northern boundary of Albany north to the northern limit of Gibbonsville (now Broadway and 15th Street).

White House Visitors Office

The White House Visitor Center is located in the north end of the Herbert C. Hoover Building (the Department of Commerce headquarters) between 14th Street and 15th Street on Pennsylvania Avenue NW, in the Federal Triangle.