
3 unusual facts about 1967 war

1967 war

Cambodian Civil War (1967–1975), a conflict between the communists (Khmer Rouge) and the governorment forces of Cambodia

Six-Day War (1967), a war between Israel and Egypt, Jordan and Syria

Nigerian Civil War (1967-1970), a civil war in Nigeria caused by the attempted secession of Biafra

Palestine Olympic Committee

According to Nahil Mabrouk, president of the Palestinian Track and Field Federation, the Palestine Olympic Committee was first founded in 1931, and remained an Olympic member until the 1967 war when the West Bank and Gaza Strip were occupied by Israel.

see also

Young Labour League

Its campaigns included supporting Radio Caroline, a pirate radio station, selling the Labour Party newspaper in Dublin pubs, and it produced a regular newsletter mostly written by Brian O'Higgins, including articles on the June 1967 War in the Middle East, which was composited and hand printed on a small old press in O'Higgins' house in Dublin.