
5 unusual facts about 1st Battalion 3rd Marines

1st Battalion 3rd Marines

BLT 1/3 has produced one of very few nominations for the Medal of Honor thus far in the Global War on Terror, Sergeant Rafael Peralta.

In December 1989, 1/3 responded to the 1989 Philippine coup attempt as part of an amphibious task force and sent Marines ashore to reinforce the American Embassy.

Battle of Piva Forks

The 1st Battalion, 3rd Marine Regiment and the 1st Battalion, 21st Marine Regiment also advanced to the 3rd Battalion, 3rd Marine Regiment roadblock.

Wayne Rollings

His next assignment, in Kaneohe Bay Marine Corps Air Station, Hawaii, was as a rifle platoon commander and then rifle company commander in the 1st Battalion, 3rd Marines.

William R. Higgins

As a lieutenant, he participated in combat operations during 1968 with C Company, 1st Battalion, 3rd Marines in the Republic of Vietnam as a rifle platoon commander and rifle company executive officer, and was aide-de-camp to the Assistant 3rd Marine Division Commander.

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