
3 unusual facts about 1st Czechoslovak Partisan Brigade of Jan Žižka

1st Czechoslovak Partisan Brigade of Jan Žižka

Although the primary objective was to reach the border undetected, there were two skirmishes before the unit reached Štiavnik, the Slovak border town.

By now the ethnic mix of the unit had changed, since most of the Slovak members of the original unit had never made it to Moravia: of those from the original air-drop into Sklabiňa, only two Slovaks got through.

On 21 August 1944 the first group parachuted into the area of Sklabiňa, Slovakia, which was at the time an operational area of the 1st Czechoslovak Partisan Brigade of General Milan Rastislav Štefánik.

German occupation of Czechoslovakia

Guerrilla activity intensified with rising number of parachuted units in 1944, leading to establishment of partisan groups, such as 1st Czechoslovak Partisan Brigade of Jan Žižka, Jan Kozina Brigade or Mistr Jan Hus Brigade, and especially after the formation of a provisional Czechoslovak government in Košice on 4 April 1945.

see also