
11 unusual facts about 2005 Kashmir earthquake

2005 Kashmir earthquake

The rest of the money pledged, which was given to the Government of Pakistan for reconstruction and development, was used by a reconstruction authority called Earthquake Reconstruction and Rehabilitation Authority, which was made by then military regime to accommodate retired high military officials and while keeping the command of the reconstruction and rehabilitation authority directly under the military.

3rd Marine Logistics Group

This was followed up with a deployment to Pakistan to aid in the relief efforts after the 2005 Kashmir earthquake that shook the North West Frontier Province of Pakistan on 8 October 2005, leaving almost 100,000 dead and nearly 3 million Pakistanis homeless.

Ahmed bin Abdulaziz Al Saud

Ahmed bin Abdulaziz visited Pakistan in November 2005 for three days and examined the extent of destruction caused by the Kashmir earthquake from an airplane.

Christina B. Rocca

She was involved in the organized response and humanitarian assistance in the wake of the 2004 Indian Ocean earthquake and the 2005 Kashmir earthquake.

DLF Cup 2005–06

The revenue of the friendship cup matches went to help the victims of the 2005 Kashmir earthquake.

Electricity sector in Pakistan

During 2010 Pakistan floods and 2005 Kashmir earthquake power stations, power distribution and transmission and other energy infrastructures were damaged.

JW Komandosów

In 2006, had charge of protecting the Polski Kontyngent Wojskowy (Polish Military Contingent) in Pakistan which helps in technical rescue after the Pakistan earthquake.

PakTurk International Schools and Colleges

In the wake of the 2005 earthquake that devastated areas of Pakistan, Pak Turk ICEF participated in humanitarian aid efforts targeting those affected by the earthquake.

Punjab Games

Second Punjab Games 2005 were scheduled to be held in Lahore, the provincial capital of Western Punjab in December 2005; and were postponed, and eventually cancelled, due to 2005 Kashmir earthquake.

Sardar Muhammad Yousuf

After being elected as District Nazim he worked hard for the rehabilitation of the survivors of the 2005 devastating earthquake.

Sofia Hayat

Hayat was asked to write the official song for the victims and survivors of the Pakistani and Indian earthquake.

Gandhi Global Family medals and awards

The recipients of the Mahatma Gandhi Award are the Indian Air Force and Indian Army for their work of rehabilitation and resettlement of Jammu and Kashmir State after the devastating 2005 Kashmir earthquake and Jain Acharya Samrat Dr Shiv Muni ji Maharaj of Sthanakvasi for promoting universal peace and brotherhood.