
unusual facts about 4th Panzer Army

Mirgorod direction offensive

Increased soviet assaults on the 4th Panzerarmee's left flank over the Psel River by 40th and 47th armies later forced Hoth to withdraw his 10th Panzergrenadier from the counter-attack and finally forced Großdeutschland back to the defensive at Parchomovka.

Operation Fischreiher

General Friedrich Paulus' 6th Army, and part of the 4th Panzer Army under General Hermann Hoth, was to advance across the Don river towards the city of Stalingrad on the Western bend of the Volga river.

Operation Uranus

By this time remaining Romanian units in the north were being destroyed in isolated battles, while the Red Army began to engage flanking portions of the German Fourth Panzer and Sixth Armies.

see also