
4 unusual facts about 8th Cavalry Regiment

8th Cavalry Regiment

The battalion area of operations (AO COURAGE) encompassed the cities of Balad, Duluiyah and Dujayl.

From October 1870 to July 1874, Troops "C", "G", "I" and "K" of the 8th Cavalry were stationed at Fort Selden, New Mexico, a territorial fort established on the Rio Grande at the present site of Radium Springs, New Mexico.

It fought in Sadr City and other hot spots against the Mahdi Army, a Shia militia.

Battle of Onjong

Exploiting the situation, the Chinese launched another attack on the now exposed Eighth Army center, resulting in the loss of the ROK 15th Infantry Regiment and the US 8th Cavalry Regiment at the Battle of Unsan.

see also