
unusual facts about A Legacy

Sybille Bedford

A Legacy, Bedford's second book and first novel, was published in 1956 (successfully dramatised by BBC television in 1975), and was described by Francis King as "one of the great books of the 20th century".

see also

Allen Lambert

William Thorsell, CEO of the Royal Ontario Museum, wrote in a tribute to Allen Lambert: "For those who build, it is not a question of whether a legacy remains, but what its quality is. In Athens, in the Yucatan, in Paris, architecture still speaks eloquently centuries after so much else of value is gone. In 1967, a banker insisted that Toronto be remembered with respect."


The name Almoçageme is obviously Arab in origin – the Iberian peninsula is packed with Muslim toponyms that are a legacy of the five hundred years the Moors stayed over.

Anglo-American Freemasonry

The Anglo-American branch has several noteworthy sub-branches, most notably Prince Hall Freemasonry (a legacy of past racial segregation in the United States, and so predominantly found in that country).

Austrian euro coins

This is mainly done as a legacy of old national practice of minting Gold and Silver coins.

Aviation communication

VHF omnidirectional range(VOR) is an example of a legacy system to determine relative location.

Braidense National Library

In 1778, it acquired the collection of Swiss bibliophile Albrecht von Haller covering botanical and medical works and, in 1795, a legacy from Cardinal Angelo Maria Durini containing some 3,000 works including valuable 16th century Greek and Latin editions.

Charles John Blood Meacham

A legacy from his estate was used to create The C J B Meacham Trust, which is now administered by the Diocese of Coventry.

Colonisation of Africa

The existence of a vast African diaspora is a legacy of the practice of transporting millions of African slaves out of the continent by these external colonisers.

Computer Systems Research Group

The group was disbanded in 1995, though not without leaving a legacy - 386BSD, NetBSD, FreeBSD and OpenBSD are all based on the 4.4BSD-Lite distribution and continue to play an important role in the open-source UNIX community today, including dictating the style of C programming used via KNF in the style man page.

Davenant Centre

The Davenant Centre was built to remember the community work of the Reverend Ralph Davenant, Rector of Whitechapel, who left a legacy to educate forty boys and thirty girls.

Glasgow bid for the 2014 Commonwealth Games

The village would be purpose-built to house 6,000 athletes and officials in 2,500 residential units and leave a legacy of regeneration in this deprived district of the city.

Highway Beautification Act

On August 10, 2005, President George W. Bush signed SAFE-TEA-LU (Safe, Accountable, Flexible, Efficient Transportation Equity Act: A Legacy for Users at a ceremony in Illinois; it is scheduled to expire on September 30, 2009.


Iatrochemistry was a new practice in 17th century, a time when traditional medicines were based on a legacy from the 4th and 5th centuries B.C. Much of this tradition was derived from Galen and Avicenna.

Johan Friis

As the first chancellor of the reconstructed university of Copenhagen, Friis took the keenest interest in spiritual and scientific matters, and was the first donor of a legacy to the institution.


Moonrock Basic Compiler, a legacy compiler for a QuickBasic -like language

Mugabe and the White African

The film documents the lives of a white Zimbabwean family who run a farm in Chegutu, as they challenge the Fast Track land redistribution programme that redistributed white-owned estates, a legacy of colonialism and UDI, beginning in 2000.

Rita Klímová

Havel believed that since Klímová spoke American English with a marked New York accent (a legacy of spending much of her youth in New York City), she'd play very well with American audiences.

Rob Sorrenti

In 2012, Sorrenti made a legacy film for the London Organising Committee of the Olympic and Paralympic Games (LOCOG), and opening/closing ceremony producer, Stephen Daldry.


Making his first appearance in the eighth issue of EGM, the character went on to create a legacy based on his ninja garb, self-proclaimed love for fighting games—particularly Street Fighter II, disdain for all things Game Boy-related, and characteristically tough reviews for casual genres.

The Songwriters Network

Stane has a legacy in the live entertainment business, most notably, his involvement in establishing The Ice House comedy club in Pasadena, California.

Thomas Rowell Leavitt

Leavitt died there in 1891, leaving a legacy of scores of disciples of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints named Leavitt, many of whom remain in the region today, ranching and living in the bucolic area in the shadow of Chief Mountain.

Victoria Park, Auckland

However, in June 2010 it was announced that NZTA and Council had reached an agreement whereby some Vic Park Tunnel control equipment would be housed in a refurbished building provided as a legacy feature, with a 100-people occupancy community space on the ground floor.


This is a very long standing contract and is a legacy of British Steel's ownership of Grant Lyon Eagre and subsequently Corus' part ownership of GrantRail.