
2 unusual facts about OpenBSD

Alexander Peslyak

His code has also been used in various third-party operating systems, such as OpenBSD and Debian.

Plaid Tongued Devils

Some members of the group have written and recorded songs for OpenBSD CD releases.


OpenBSD |

Architecture of OS X

At the same conference, Apple announced that the Mach side of the kernel had been updated with sources from version 3 of the Mach kernel and the BSD side of the kernel had been updated with sources from the FreeBSD, NetBSD and OpenBSD projects.

Computer Systems Research Group

The group was disbanded in 1995, though not without leaving a legacy - 386BSD, NetBSD, FreeBSD and OpenBSD are all based on the 4.4BSD-Lite distribution and continue to play an important role in the open-source UNIX community today, including dictating the style of C programming used via KNF in the style man page.


In time, the members of "Helith" released several security advisories affecting even the most secure OpenSource Operating System OpenBSD, PF firewall, OpenSSH, NetBSD and vendors like Netgear or Nortel.

Memory management unit

Some operating systems, such as OpenBSD with its W^X feature, and Linux with the Exec Shield or PaX patches, may also limit the length of the code segment, as specified by the CS register, to disallow execution of code in modifiable regions of the address space.

see also