
unusual facts about AKP

History of the Republic of Turkey

AKP is the only government in Turkish political history that has managed to win three general elections in a row with an increasing amount of votes received in each one.


AKP(m-l) | AKP |

Hans Rotmo

He was a supporter of the revolutionary communist movement AKP(m-l) in his younger years, and many of the lyrics of his songs, especially those from the Vømmøl period, are influenced by the thoughts of Mao Zedong and Karl Marx, although the surface content of most of these songs concern the population of rural Norway, the industrial progress that followed World War II, and the effects of the latter on the former.

Lars Gule

For a period he was active in Sosialistisk Valgforbunds Ungdom (which later became the Socialist Youth) and Sosialistisk Valgforbund, later the Socialist Left Party (SV), but he was never a member of the Marxist-Leninist-Maoist SUF (m–l) (later Rød Ungdom) or Workers' Communist Party (Arbeidernes kommunistparti (AKP (m–l)).

Media censorship and disinformation during 2013 protests in Turkey

November 20: Pro-AKP Takvim newspaper, which made a fake interview with CNN's Christiane Amanpour, claimed that seven Turkish Jewish citizens who did their military service in Israel were agents of Mossad and they were the leaders of Gezi protests.

Menderes Türel

Menderes Mehmet Tevfik Türel (born 11 July 1964, Antalya, Turkey) is a Turkish politician of the Justice and Development Party (AKP).

The Imam's Army

Relating to the government of the ruling Justice and Development Party (AKP), the book details the installment of members of the Gülen community into the Turkish bureaucracy.

Turkish general election, 2002

It was won by the Justice and Development Party (AKP), led by Recep Tayyip Erdoğan, producing a crushing majority in spite of their winning just 34.3% of the national vote.

see also