
9 unusual facts about Mossad

Better Off Ted

In season 2's episode 6, "Beating a Dead Workforce", we learn she was a member of Mossad.

Canadian Ethnic Cleansing Team

The group was active in the late 1990s until soon after the September 11 attacks when the CECT wrote on their Internet newsletter: "B’nai B’rith offices, Mossad temples and any Jew or Arab Temple, building, house and cars. There are no innocent Jews especially in a time of war."

Danny Yatom

In 1996-1998, Yatom was head of the Mossad security service, between 1999 and 2001 he served as Prime Minister Ehud Barak's Chief Of Staff and security advisor.

Gabriel Allon

However in an interview, Silva said that Shamron is a composite of several historical figures including Isser Harel, head of Mossad when Eichmann was apprehended.

Gamal Hamdan

Everybody was surprised when the former intelligence chief "Amin Howeidi" said he knew about how Dr.Hemdan died, and he assured that he had the evidence that confirmed that Dr.Hemdan was killed by the Mossad 'Israeli intelligence'.

Gila Almagor

She also appears in The Debt, about a former Mossad agent who comes back to kill an escaped Nazi doctor.

Jonathan Kay

In 2007, Kay co-authored The Volunteer, a biography of Mossad officer Michael Ross.

Mordechai Hod

Hod's strike, leaving only 12 planes to defend Israel, and aided with intelligence from Mossad and Aman, succeeded in destroying most of the Egyptian, Jordanian and Syrian Air Forces.

Viacheslav Datsik

The official expert analysis on his mental sanity asserted that he claimed Jesus Christ was a Mossad agent, whereas Datsik believing himself to be “Red Tarzan,” the son of Slavic god Perun.

1950 in Israel

17 February – King Abdullah I of Jordan and Mossad Director Reuven Shiloah of Israel met at the King's winter palace at El Shuneh, where the King presented a seven point treaty proposal.

1950–51 Baghdad bombings

In April 1950, an activist of Mossad LeAliyah Bet, Shlomo Hillel, using the alias Richard Armstrong, flew from Amsterdam to Baghdad as a representative of the American charter company Near East Air Transport, to organize an airlift of Iraq Jews to Cyprus.

Arthur Neslen's recently published book "Occupied Minds" contains an interview with the convicted bomber Yehuda Tajar, in which he recalls a conversation with the widow of Beit-Halahmi, a fellow Mossad agent.

2002 Mombasa attacks

Former Mossad head Danny Yatom took a similar line, saying that Israel got so many terror warnings they were not taken seriously.

Abdullah Öcalan

He was captured in Kenya on 15 February 1999, while being transferred from the Greek embassy to Jomo Kenyata international airport Nairobi, in an operation by the Millî İstihbarat Teşkilâtı with debatable help of CIA or Mossad.

Anat Atzmon

In 1997, Atzmon played in the film Mossad and in 1999 she played in the films Frank Sinatra is Dead and Seven Days in Elul (שבעה ימים באלול).

Ari Ben-Menashe

Ben-Menashe claimed that Robert Maxwell, then owner of Mirror Group newspapers in the UK, was a Mossad agent, and that Maxwell had tipped off the Israeli embassy in 1986 about Israeli nuclear technician Mordechai Vanunu, after Vanunu and a friend approached the Sunday Mirror and The Sunday Times in London with a story about Israel's nuclear capability.

Bassam Abu Sharif

"Ben-Gurion gave the order to assassinate Kennedy. I take full responsibility for every word I say. The Mossad collaborated with the American mafia, and once Oswald had killed Kennedy, the Mossad sent a Jew called Jack Ruby to kill him. Then the Mossad killed 22 witnesses, and the case was closed...these files have not been made public, due to Jewish Zionist pressure."

Cheryl Bentov

Cheryl Ben Tov (Hebrew: שריל בנטוב), born Cheryl Hanin in 1960, is an American real estate agent and former Israeli Mossad agent who became well known in 1986 when, under the name "Cindy", she persuaded former Israeli nuclear technician Mordechai Vanunu to go with her to Rome, where he was kidnapped and transported to Israel.

Deadly Perfume

David Morton is a Mossad who begins tracking the movements of several Arabs after he intercepts calls about a trade of two million U.S dollars for an unknown item.

Eli Zeira

In 2004, former Mossad Director-General Zvi Zamir accused Zeira of leaking the identity of Ashraf Marwan, an Egyptian billionaire who served as a Mossad informer.

Eva Renzi

Born Evelyn Renziehausen in Berlin, Germany, she was introduced in the 1966 Harry Saltzman film Funeral in Berlin, sequel to The Ipcress File, second in the Len Deighton Harry Palmer trilogy, playing Mossad agent "Samantha Steel" opposite Michael Caine.


It is alleged that Mossad agents used "levofentanyl" in their 1997 attempt to kill Hamas leader Khalid Mishal.

Giora Tzahor

In 1986, Tzahor was in charge of Mossad's operation to abduct Mordechai Vanunu from London.

Giora Weiss-Tzahor (27 October 1941 – 16 July 2012) was an Israeli war hero and Mossad officer, most notable for having headed Israel's efforts to capture Mordechai Vanunu.

Hindawi affair

Patrick Seale writes that the Hindawi family (from the Jordanian village of Baqura) had a history of connection to Mossad.

Israel Defense Prize

Some of the past recipients include Israel Tal, Moshe Arens, Uzi Gal and various teams of the Intelligence corps, the Mossad, the General Security Service and weapon industries.

Juval Aviv

He may be best known for his work with Mossad, the Israeli intelligence service, and for having conducted the counter-terrorist operation as detailed by George Jonas in his novel, Vengeance: The True Story of an Israeli Counter-Terrorist Team (1984).

In 1981, the Canadian writer George Jonas was approached by Collins Canada about meeting with Juval Aviv, a former Mossad officer who said that he had led Operation Wrath of God, an operation to assassinate the Palestinian terrorists who carried out the 1972 Munich massacre, in which they took hostage and murdered 11 Israeli athletes.

Ken Power

They visited 120 countries and interviewed members of al-Qaeda, Hamas, Islamic Jihad, Fatah, Al-Aqsa Martyrs' Brigades, Force 17, the Palestinian Authority, the Knesset, IDF, and US generals, as well as Israeli secret service agents in the Mossad and Shin Bet.

Mahmoud al-Mabhouh

On 19 February, Dubai police chief Lt. Gen. Dahi Khalfan called for Interpol to issue a "red notice" to approve the arrest of Israeli Mossad chief Meir Dagan, causing the Israeli government to deny he has enough proof.

Maria Maalouf

On that program Maalouf invited renowned German criminal investigator Jürgen Cain Külbel who spoke about his latest book, and argued that the Mossad was responsible for the assassination of former Lebanese Prime Minister Rafik Hariri rather than Syria.

Media censorship and disinformation during 2013 protests in Turkey

November 20: Pro-AKP Takvim newspaper, which made a fake interview with CNN's Christiane Amanpour, claimed that seven Turkish Jewish citizens who did their military service in Israel were agents of Mossad and they were the leaders of Gezi protests.

Naeim Giladi

For his 2006 book Occupied Minds, British journalist Arthur Neslen interviewed Yehuda Tajar, a Mossad agent who spent ten years of a 25-year prison sentence in Iraq, after being convicted for the explosions.

Omer Goldman

Omer Goldman Granot, from the Tel-Aviv suburb of Ramat HaSharon, is a member of the Shministim, a young Israeli conscientious objector who became famous for being the daughter of Naftali Granot, former deputy to Mossad’s chief Meir Dagan.

Operations conducted by the Mossad

Abduction of Mordechai Vanunu (1986) - Mossad operation to abduct and bring back to Israel Mordechai Vanunu, an Israeli nuclear technician who had fled Israel for the United Kingdom and revealed nuclear secrets.

Reuven Shiloah

After his tenure at the Mossad Shiloah worked in the Israeli Embassy in Washington DC and continued serving as an advisor.

Ruth Klüger – Aliav

In 1944, with Charles de Gaulle's help, she arrived in a liberated Paris and was the first Mossad agent to contact survivors of the Holocaust.

Sworn to Secrecy

The creators of Sworn To Secrecy worked with the top spies of the era: former Directors of the CIA James Woolsey, Richard Helms and Dr. James Schlesinger; former Chairmen of the KGB Generals Vladimir Semichastny and Alexander Shelepin (Russia); as well as former directors of the MOSSAD Meir Amit and Isser Harel.

The House on Garibaldi Street

Israeli premier David Ben-Gurion approves a Mossad operation to be led by Isser Harel to kidnap Adolf Eichmann, the Nazi mass murderer, in Argentina.

The Obama Deception: The Mask Comes Off

The film presents the conspiracy theory that American presidents since the 1960s have served as "front men" for entities such as the Council on Foreign Relations, Trilateral Commission, Bilderberg Group, Wall Street banks, the Federal Reserve, the Military-industrial complex, the Mossad, and others, arguing that multinational corporations and powerful elite families, such as the Rothschild family and Rockefeller family hold the real "power behind the throne."

Uzi Arad

Intending to retire from Mossad in 1997, Arad was elected in 1996 as Director of the Jaffe Center for Strategic Studies at Tel Aviv University, now the Institute for National Security Studies.

Wadie Haddad

According to the book Striking Back, published by Aharon Klein in 2006, Haddad was eliminated by the Mossad, which had sent the chocolate-loving Haddad Belgian chocolates coated with a slow-acting and undetectable poison which caused him to die severals months later.

Welad El Am

Salwa (played by Mona Zaki) is an Egyptian woman who discovers that her husband (played by Sherif Mounir) is a Mossad agent and abducts her with her two young children to Israel.

Yuval Diskin

From 2003, he was on a study sabbatical, during which he became special advisor to Mossad Director, Meir Dagan.

Zayed Center for Coordination and Follow-Up

and that the Mossad was responsible for the assassination of John F. Kennedy, the Watergate scandal and the Monica Lewinsky affair; and Lyndon LaRouche, who spoke about global finance and his proposal for a transcontinental highway.

see also