
2 unusual facts about ALERT!

British Arctic Expedition

Other features named after the expedition include the Markham Ice Shelf, Nares Strait and Alert, Nunavut, the most northerly permanently inhabited place on earth.


For example, at the military and weather station Alert located at 82°30′05″N and 62°20′20″W, on the northern tip of Ellesmere Island, Canada (about 450 nautical miles or 830 km from the North Pole), the sun begins to peek above the horizon for minutes per day at the end of February and each day it climbs higher and stays up longer; by 21 March, the sun is up for over 12 hours.

321st Missile Wing LGM-30 Minuteman Missile Launch Sites

This is a list of the LGM-30 Minuteman missile Missile Alert Facilities and Launch Facilities of the 321st Missile Wing, 20th Air Force, assigned to Grand Forks AFB, North Dakota.

91st Missile Wing LGM-30 Minuteman Missile Launch Sites

This is a list of the LGM-30 Minuteman missile Missile Alert Facilities and Launch Facilities of the 91st Missile Wing, 20th Air Force, assigned to Minot AFB, North Dakota.

Alaska Communications System

The ACS also provided a vital lifeline - sometimes quite literally - to the many remote and almost inaccessible communities across Alaska: it enabled the icebound city of Nome to alert the outside world about a diphtheria outbreak which led to the successful 1925 serum run to Nome.

Alert Airport

CFS Alert airfield was built sometime in the 1950s and is supplied by military aircraft only, but in 2011, Buffalo Airways was contracted to carry fuel and sleds between Resolute Bay and Alert; the airfield is required for transport of personnel and provisions 12 months of the year.

Ashley Treatment

Nonetheless, she is alert and responsive to her environment, particularly enjoying the music of Andrea Bocelli.

Battle of Rio de Janeiro

The British news, when it arrived in August, had led Governor Francisco de Moraes de Castro to call out his militia and increase preparedness, and rumours of sails off Cabo Frio in early September had again raised the alert.

Bridge convention

Under the rules of the sponsoring organization (for example national federations such as American Contract Bridge League (ACBL) and the English Bridge Union (EBU), zonal organizations, and the World Bridge Federation (WBF)), certain conventions are alertable, the partner of the player making the conventional call must say "alert" (or show an alert card from the bidding box) before the right-hand opponent calls.

Center for Short-Lived Phenomena

CSLP restructured in 1975, with some activities moved to other portions of the Smithsonian to become the Scientific Event Alert Network, and eventually the Global Volcanism Program.

Dennis L. Montgomery

Montgomery's software claims were reportedly responsible for a false terror alert which grounded international flights and caused Department of Homeland Security Secretary Tom Ridge to raise the government's security level.

Easton, Maryland

After an alert store manager noticed that it was a signed original, the painting was subsequently auctioned for $40,600 at Sotheby's.

Electronic voice alert

The electronic voice alert, or EVA, was an option available on many Chrysler K-car-based vehicles in the mid-1980s.

Eskimo words for snow

The claim that Eskimo languages have an unusually large number of words for snow is a widespread idea first voiced by Franz Boas and often used as a cliché when writing about how language may keep us more or less alert to the differences of the natural world.

Eureka, Nunavut

In the 1980s, TV audio was often connected to the telephone to feed CBC-TV news to CHAR-FM in isolated Alert.

Foyle Bridge

Windsocks and warning signs are in place at each end to alert the drivers of HGVs.

G. B. Pegram

Following Marcus Oliphant's mission to the USA in August 1941 to alert the Americans to the feasibility of an atomic bomb, in autumn 1941 Pegram and Urey led a diplomatic mission to the United Kingdom to establish co-operation on development of the atomic bomb.

Health Alert Network

The Health Alert Network (HAN) is a program under the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention which is an agency of the United States Department of Health and Human Services.

Home Security Store

Brands include GE Security, Visonic, Winland Electronics, Lorex, Optex, Sensaphone, SVAT, Dakota Alert, Rokonet, Cyre, Ademco, DSC, Linear Security, SkyLink, USP, Honeywell, ELK, Chamberlain, and Altronix.

James Vashon

During the second tour in the Caribbean for the Alert, Joseph Baker (after whom Mount Baker was named) served as cabin boy for Commander Vashon.

Jim Ether

ALERT! - Full-Length compilation of original Flash animations and music which alternates between dark, psychedelic, comic, and poignant

Joe Jacquot

Jacquot then served as Counsel to U.S. Senator Kay Bailey Hutchison and was responsible for enacting of the Amber Alert Act.


KCDIY is also the name of a music compilation featuring punk and hardcore bands from the Kansas City area such as Anxiety Attack, Crap Corps, Dick Cheney's Dick, The Hospital, Alert!

Kool DJ Red Alert

Besides Chris "Baby Chris" Lighty's Violator, in the late 1980s through 1990s, Red Alert Productions was the only major hip-hop management alternative to Russell Simmons' Rush Artist Management (which he despised) and Cold Chillin' Records' management division.

Kool DJ Red Alert was recognized with a location on the Bronx Walk of Fame, a series of street signs recognizing people of note from the borough, alongside other notables such as Colin Powell, who have originated from the Bronx.

Red, who is of Antiguan heritage, also had a small hip hop management company in the late 1980s called Red Alert Productions, which managed the careers of Native Tongues acts such as the Jungle Brothers, A Tribe Called Quest, and Monie Love.

Leif Welding-Olsen

Realising that the enemy would not turn away, and was going to violate Norwegian neutrality, Pol III fired flares to alert Norwegian coastal batteries and rammed the Albatros.

Life Alert Emergency Response

The 2013 sitcom The Goldbergs featured a 1987 commercial of the original Life-Alert and later quotes "I've fallen and I can't get up."

Lizbeth Benacquisto

The Naples Daily News endorsed Benacquisto for re-election, praising her for the fact that she "sponsored the Andrew Widman Act to better track dangerous criminals and the Silver Alert Program to protect seniors astray."

Loring Air Force Base Alert Area

The Loring Air Force Base Alert Area is a former alert area for B-52 Stratofortress aircraft of the 42d Bombardment Wing situated at the former Loring Air Force Base at Limestone, Maine.

Motorola Minitor

The Motorola Minitor is a portable, analog, receive only, voice pager typically carried by fire, rescue, and EMS personnel (both volunteer and career) to alert of emergencies.

Operation Banquet

Striking more of a note of desperation were Banquet Alert which called for the employment of Fleet Air Arm training aircraft under Coastal Command and Banquet Training which called for the absorption of aircraft from Training Command into the operational striking force of Bomber Command.

Operation Looking Glass

However, as indicated by MGen Don Shepherd (Ret.), speaking on CNN on September 12, 2007, the plane circling the White House on 9/11 resembled an E-4B which was likely launched from Nightwatch ground alert at Andrews Air Force Base.


Pelmorex has undertaken a project that would create a national warning system called All Channel Alert (French: Système d'alerte tous canaux), similar to the Emergency Alert System in the United States.

Peter Bennett

Peter B. Bennett (born 1932), American doctor and founder of the Divers Alert Network

Peter Gibb

An Australia-wide alert was issued, as Gibb, Butterley and Parker picked up a previously stored Pajero four-wheel drive in Frankston and escaped into regional Victoria.

Rotem Crisis

Prime Minister David Ben-Gurion refused the IDF's request for a massive mobilization of reserves, but authorized the call-up of 7,000 men, the minimum required to maintain a heightened state of alert for a prolonged amount of time.

Royal Swazi National Airways

The mercenaries disguised themselves as Ancient Order of Froth Blowers rugby players and fans, but were exposed as they passed through customs when an alert official discovered a dismantled AK-47 in one of the mercenaries' luggage.

Satoshi Nakamoto

Near this time, he handed over control of the source code repository and alert key functions of the software to Gavin Andresen.


Sguil integrates alert data from Snort, session data from SANCP, and full content data from a second instance of Snort running in packet logger mode.


Steelheart started off as a rock band called Red Alert whose members included James Ward (bass), Chris Risola (guitars), Jack Wilkenson (drums) and after auditioning, Miljenko Matijevic on vocals.

The Great War of 1892

The Great War of 1892 was a story of the genre termed "Invasion Literature" written by Admiral Philip Howard Colomb in which he sought to alert Britain to what he saw as the weakness of the Royal Navy.

The Joy of Flying

The concert at Japan's Denen Coliseum was recorded and other songs on the set list included "Rocky Road" and "Heads Up" from Open Fire, "Red Alert" and "Wildlife" from Believe It, "There Comes a Time" from Ego,


Another occasional segment is "Spoiler Alert" featuring Tosh performing a humorous rundown of an unusual movie, an edited version of the segment appears on the show while the longer uncut version is posted to the website; films featured in the segment have been Orphan, Tiptoes, and The Human Centipede, the last of which is currently the most popular video on the Tosh.0 website.


Tire-pressure monitoring system, a safety device made to alert automobile operators when their tires are under-inflated

U.S. military response during the September 11 attacks

NEADS responded to this report by giving a scramble order to three fighters from the 1st Fighter Wing on alert at Langley Air Force Base at 9:24, and by 9:30 they were in the air.

United States military nuclear incident terminology

In the 1994 film True Lies, Arnold Schwarzenegger's character Harry Tasker calls a "Bright Boy Alert" for the impending detonation of a stolen Russian warhead on U.S. soil by terrorists, although this presumably should be termed a "Broken Arrow" event since it involves a nuclear incident unlikely to result in nuclear war.

Wilcox rebellions

The name of the conspiracy, Burlesque, was mainly to mock Marshal of the Kingdom C. B. Wilson for appearing to have been tricked into putting the Kingdom on a high state of alert for no reason.

see also