ANSI C | ANSI art | ANSI escape code | ANSI Z535 |
A carbon-zinc battery in this size is designated by IEC as "R03", by ANSI C18.1 as "24", by old JIS standard as "UM 4", and by other manufacturer and national standard designations that vary depending on the cell chemistry.
One can view DoDAF products, or at least the 3 views, as ANSI/IEEE 1471-2000 or ISO/IEC 42010 viewpoints.
The FEL lamp (less accurately called a light bulb) is an ANSI standard 1000 watt quartz halogen lamp with a G9.5 medium 2-pin base used in many stage and studio lights that costs around $12 and is available from a number of manufacturers including GE, Osram, Ushio, Eiko, and Philips.
FMC (FPGA Mezzanine Card) is an ANSI/VITA standard that defines I/O mezzanine modules with connection to an FPGA or other device with reconfigurable I/O capability.
The Building Owners and Managers Association has established a standard with American National Standards Institute, ANSI/BOMA Z65.1-1996 for measuring floor area and calculating gross leasable area and loss factor.
ANSI-41 is the standard now approved for use as the network-side companion to the wireless-side AMPS (analog), IS-136 (Digital AMPS), cdmaOne, and CDMA2000 networks.
He was a technical contributor to X3J13, the ANSI subcommittee that standardized Common Lisp and contributed to the design of the programming language.
Since then, ANSI/CEA-709.1 has been accepted as the basis for IEEE 1473-L (in-train controls), AAR electro-pneumatic braking systems for freight trains, IFSF (European petrol station control), SEMI (semiconductor equipment manufacturing), and in 2005 as EN 14908 (European building automation standard).
The Building Owners and Managers Association has established a standard with American National Standards Institute, ANSI/BOMA Z65.1-2010 for measuring floor area and calculating gross leasable area and loss factor.
The then-current American National Standards Institute, or ANSI, standard was based on high-rise buildings and was not appropriate for low-rise structures.
MUSHclient is highly flexible, and provides aliases, hotkeys, triggers (text-matching), command-execution timing, variables, multi-session support, ANSI-colour customisation and speed-walking.
Automatic random ANSI display (i.e. ansi.ans, ansi.an1, ansi.an2, etc. would display randomly).
Released in May 2001 and approved on October 17, 2002, ANSI/NISO Z39.83-2002 or NCIP is a "NISO Draft Standard for Trial Use."
These were sent from the BBS instead of the more common ANSI color-coded text-mode screens, and were interpreted on the user's end by a RIP-enabled terminal program such as TeleGrafix's own RIPTerm which could draw them at a 640x350 EGA resolution.
Safety yellow is one of the standard high-visibility safety colors defined by ANSI standard Z535, which specifies standards for safety and accident prevention information.
Because of its support for non-GSM SMS protocols, like UMTS, IS-95 (CDMA), CDMA2000, ANSI-136 (TDMA) and iDEN, the SMPP is the most commonly used protocol for short message exchange outside SS7 networks.
TargetLink generates both ANSI-C and production code optimized for specific processors.
The multi-volume series of books published from 1992 under the auspices of the government-run Anthropological Survey of India (AnSI) adopted the same title as the colonial works of 1868–1875 and 1908.
In October 2004, the Technical Committee T11 of the International Committee for Information Technology Standards approved VSAN technology to become a standard of the American National Standards Institute (ANSI).