
unusual facts about Abelard

Constant Mews

He carried out doctoral study at the University of Oxford, followed by five years (1980–1985) teaching British civilisation at the Universite de Paris III, while pursuing studies in medieval thought (focusing on Peter Abelard) in connection with Jean Jolivet, at the École pratique des hautes études en sciences religieuses.

Else Torp

She is a member of Paul Hillier's Theatre of Voices, with whom she sings ancient and baroque works of composers such as Abelard, Lassus, Tallis, and Schütz as well as contemporary creations such as by Cage, Stockhausen, and Pärt.

Fontes Christiani

The texts which have appeared cover a wide range of authors including on a random selection Irenaeus of Lyons, Tertullian, Origen of Alexandria, Aphrahat, Gregory of Nazianzus, Ambrose, Gregory of Nyssa, Theodore of Mopsuestia, Cassiodorus, John Philopon, Abelard, Rupert of Deutz.


The treatise makes use of the dialectical method which was afterwards developed into the scholastic method by Abelard, Alexander of Hales, and St. Thomas Aquinas.

Oratory of the Paraclete

She and Abelard were buried together there from 1142 (when Abelard was buried, then Heloise when she died in 1164) to 1792, when their remains were transferred to the church of Nogent-sur-Seine nearby.

Plataforma per la Llengua

The Association is supported by a consultative council consisting of Salvador Cardús, Jordi Font, Josep M. López Llaví, Albert Manent, Isidor Marí, Fèlix Martí, Jordi Porta, Jordi Sànchez, Josep Mª Terricabras, Miquel Sellarès, Vicenç Villatoro, Isabel-Clara Simó, Miquel Strubell, Patrícia Gabancho and Abelard Saragossà.

Southfield Public Library

Dr. Seuss sculptures:The Tufted Gustard, Two Horned Drouberhannis, Andulovian Grackler, Blue-Green Abelard, Seuss Sawfish, Mulberry Street Unicorn, Semi-Normal Green Lidded Fawn, Flaming Herring, Carbonic Walrus, Gimlet Fish, Sea Going Dilemma Fish, Powerless Puffer and Sludge Tarpon.

see also