Most scholars, however, believe that the appendix is not by Tertullian but was added later; it is therefore attributed to a Pseudo-Tertullian.
Another Cynic called Asclepiades, who must have lived at least two centuries earlier, is mentioned by Tertullian.
He made further progress through reading first the Church Fathers, especially Tertullian and Irenaeus, and then Tholuck's Lehre von der Sünde, and arrived at unwavering faith in Christ by his fortieth year, realizing that all he sought was to be found in the Lutheran Church, a process begun by the careful study of the Augsburg Confession and its Apology.
Perrault was influenced by Church writers such as Camus and Tertullian, and the Fall of Man is a pervasive theme in his stories.
The Catholic Encyclopedia describes it as "doggerel hexameters", and mentions two theories: that the poem was written by Commodian; and that Adversus Omnes Haereses was written by Victorinus of Pettau.
Recent scholarship, agreeing with a theory of Richard Adelbert Lipsius, suggests that this work Syntagma was the common source for Philastrius and the Panarion of Epiphanius, also.
Though an enemy of Valentinus, Tertullian nevertheless spoke of him as a brilliant and eloquent man.
Some Christian writers such as Tertullian flatly rejected classical standards of rhetoric; "what has Athens to do with Jerusalem?" he asked.
The early Christians are the first on record as having pronounced abortion to be the murder of human beings, for their public apologists, Athenagoras, Tertullian, and Minutius Felix (Eschbach, "Disp. Phys.", Disp. iii), to refute the slander that a child was slain, and its flesh eaten, by the guests at the Agapæ, appealed to their laws as forbidding all manner of murder, even that of children in the womb.
The texts which have appeared cover a wide range of authors including on a random selection Irenaeus of Lyons, Tertullian, Origen of Alexandria, Aphrahat, Gregory of Nazianzus, Ambrose, Gregory of Nyssa, Theodore of Mopsuestia, Cassiodorus, John Philopon, Abelard, Rupert of Deutz.
The Octavius is admittedly earlier than Cyprian's Quod idola dei non sint, which borrows from it; how much earlier can be determined only by settling the relation in which it stands to Tertullian's Apologeticum.
He prepared annotated editions of Phaedrus, Martial, Juvenal, Tertullian, Minucius Felix, Saint Cyprian, and also some mixed collections: Rei accipitrariæ scriptores, 1612; Rei agrariae scriptores, 1613.
Patripassianism was referred to as a belief ascribed to those following Sabellianism, after its founder Sabellius, especially by the chief opponent Tertullian.
Some early writers, Tertullian, Helvidius and Eunomius of Cyzicus, interpreted Matthew's statement to mean that Joseph and Mary did have normal marital relations after Jesus' birth, and that James, Joses, Jude, and Simon were the biological sons of Mary and Joseph, a view held by Helvidius and Eunomius.
The word supersession is used by Sydney Thelwall in the title of chapter three of his 1870 translation of Tertullian's Adversus Iudaeos (written between 198 and 208).
1 Cor. 15:3 – ο και παρελαβον (I received), omitted by b, Ambrosiaster, Irenaeuslat, Tertullian?