
4 unusual facts about Abraham Firkovich

Abraham Firkovich

However, due to lack of comments regarding the sources for the Second Collection, many documents which passed through Firkovich's hands were promoted as skeptic among some Hebraists (Chwolson, S. L. Rapoport, A. Neubauer, Julius Fürst, Heinrich Grätz, Strack and Harkavy etc.).

Further exposures were made by Strack and Harkavy (St. Petersburg, 1875) in the Catalog der Hebr. Bibelhandschriften der Kaiserlichen Oeffentlichen Bibliothek in St. Petersburg; in Harkavy's Altjüdische Denkmäler aus der Krim (ib. 1876); in Strack's A. Firkowitsch und Seine Entdeckungen (Leipsic, 1876); in Fränkel's Aḥare Reshet le-Baḳḳer (Ha-Shaḥar, vii. 646 et seq.); in Deinard's Massa' Ḳrim (Warsaw, 1878); and in other places.

After the Firkovich death Hebraist Abraham Harkavy wrote a basic book "The Hebrew monuments of the Crimea".

Simhah Pinsker

At that time Abraham Firkovich, a Karaite scholar, brought to Odessa a number of ancient manuscripts, unearthed in the Crimea.

see also