
unusual facts about Hebraist

Abraham Dob Bär Lebensohn

Abraham Dob Bär Lebensohn ( Traditional Jewish Lithuanian pronunciation : Avrohom Dov Beyr Leybenzon ) (born in Vilnius, Russian Empire c. 1789/1794; died there November 19, 1878) was a Lithuanian Jewish Hebraist, poet, and grammarian.

Abraham Firkovich

However, due to lack of comments regarding the sources for the Second Collection, many documents which passed through Firkovich's hands were promoted as skeptic among some Hebraists (Chwolson, S. L. Rapoport, A. Neubauer, Julius Fürst, Heinrich Grätz, Strack and Harkavy etc.).

After the Firkovich death Hebraist Abraham Harkavy wrote a basic book "The Hebrew monuments of the Crimea".

Bible translations into Hebrew

1551, 1550 Gospel of Matthew, J. Quinquarboreus (Jean Cinqarbres) and 1550 Jean Mercier (Hebraist), Paris - confused with Sebastian Münster's adaption of a Rabbinical text of Matthew, but prepared from another of the Rabbinical translations of Matthew, purchased in Italy by bishop Jean du Tillet.


Wilhelm Gesenius (1786–1842), German orientalist, Biblical critic, theologian and Hebraist

Heinz-Josef Fabry

Heinz-Josef Fabry (Winterberg, 14 December 1944) is a German Hebraist and deacon of the Catholic Theological Faculty of Bonn University.

J.-M. Paul Bauchet

Jean-Marie Paul Bauchet (Orléans, 1 May 1900 - ) was a French Carmelite (of the Congregation of the Blessed Sacrament), and Hebraist.


Abraham Dob Bär Lebensohn (~1790–1878) was a Lithuanian Jewish Hebraist, poet, and grammarian.


Wilhelm Vischer (1895-1988), a Swiss pastor, theologian, Hebraist, Old Testament scholar and amateur Lied lyricist

Wilhelm Vischer

Wilhelm Eduard Vischer (Davos 30 April 1895 - Montpellier 27 November 1988) was a Swiss pastor, theologian, Hebraist, Old Testament scholar and amateur Lied lyricist.

see also