
unusual facts about Abraham Geiger

Abraham Geiger

“When the Jewish Theological Seminary was founded there in 1854, thanks in part to Geiger's efforts, he was not appointed to its faculty, though he had long been at the fore-front of attempts to establish a faculty of Jewish theology.”

Allgemeine Zeitung des Judentums

At the time of its foundation there had been several Jewish journals in existence: "Sulamith", "Jedidja", Abraham Geiger's "Wissenschaftliche Zeitschrift für Jüdische Theologie", and Dr. Höninghaus' "Universal-Kirchenzeitung", which admitted Jewish contributors.

Lazarus Geiger

Unlike his uncle, Abraham Geiger, a pioneer of Reform Judaism, Geiger was a stanch opponent of religious reforms, and fought valiantly on many occasions against the leaders of rationalism.

Leser Landshuth

He went to Berlin as a youth to study Jewish theology, and there he became acquainted with Leopold Zunz and Abraham Geiger, the latter of whom was then staying in that city in order to become naturalized in Prussia.

see also