
6 unusual facts about Abyssinia

Albert de Vleeschauwer

At this time the decision is taken to commit Congolese troops to the British campaign against the Italians in Abyssinia.

They left Congo for the Sudan in March, from where they entered Abyssinia and took the towns of Asosa and Saïo in May.

Gordon MacCreagh

He also travelled to Abyssinia with his wife in 1927, on an expedition to locate

Hallowe'en Party

As well as this, Mrs Oliver writes a book about her detective, Sven Hjerson who solves a murder in a hot-air balloon over Abyssinia.

James Lewin

He initially intended to travel to Abyssinia, but, because of heart problems, decided to emigrate to France.

Mussolini: The Untold Story

Promoting himself as Caesar reincarnate, Il Duce gains a national fervor that peaks after the Italian invasion of Abyssinia (Ethiopia) in 1935.

1 Squadron SAAF

1 Sqn deployed on their first operational mission in an attack on the Italian air base at Yavello in Abyssinia on 19 June 1940.

Bombay Engineer Group

In the 19th century and prior to World War I, the Bombay Sappers served in Arabia, Persia, Abyssinia, China, Somaliland; in India fought in the Mysore, Maratha and Anglo-Sikh Wars; fought in the aftermath of the Mutiny in Mhow, Jhansi, Saugor and Kathiawar and many times over in the Punjab, North West Frontier Province and Afghanistan.

Djibouti Armed Forces

During the protracted Ethiopian-Adal War (1529–1559), Imam Ahmad ibn Ibrihim al-Ghazi defeated several Ethiopian Emperors and embarked on a conquest referred to as the Futuh Al-Habash ("Conquest of Abyssinia"), which brought three-quarters of Christian Abyssinia under the power of the Muslim Adal Sultanate.

Dooley Briscoe

He joined 1st Battalion of the Transvaal Scottish Regiment, and served in East Africa alongside fellow cricketers Bruce Mitchell and Ronnie Grieveson, fighting the Italians in Somaliland and Abyssinia.

Fender Duo-Sonic

Patti Smith - plays a Duo-Sonic and has featured her guitar in song lyrics, for example in "Radio Ethiopia/Abyssinia" from the Radio Ethiopia LP.

Flashman on the March

Flashman meets an old acquaintance, Jack Speedicut (who appears in other of the novels), who enlists him to escort a shipment of Maria Theresa thalers to General Robert Napier's forces in Abyssinia, via Suez.

Florent Prévost

He worked on the birds from the voyage of La Venus with Marc Athanese Parfait Oeillet Des Murs, and on the birds and mammals brought back from the French expedition to Abyssinia between 1839 to 1843.

Grévy's zebra

He named it after Jules Grévy, then president of France, who, in the 1880s, was given one by the government of Abyssinia.

Henry Aaron Stern

Henry Aaron Stern (Unterreichenbach, near Gelnhausen, 11 April 1820 - Hackney, 13 May 1885) was an Anglican missionary and captive in Abyssinia.

Hensley Henson

From 1935 onwards he was prominent too among those who protested against the British Government's acceptance of Mussolini’s invasion of Abyssinia.

In Desert and Wilderness

In 1961, a Polish writer and screenwriter Marian Brandys published Śladami Stasia i Nel (Following the path of Staś and Nel) and, in 1962 a related story, Z Panem Biegankiem w Abisynii (In Abyssinia with Mister Bieganek).

Orthodox Tewahedo

Abu Saleh records in the 12th century that the patriarch always sent letters twice a year to the kings of Abyssinia (Ethiopia) and Nubia, until Al Hakim stopped the practice.


In 1949, with the Land Rover brand less than a year old, Colonel Leblanc drove his brand new 80-inch Series I Land Rover from the United Kingdom to Abyssinia.

Peshmurians revolt

Al-Maqrizi, Historia Regum Islamiticorum in Abyssinia (ed. and Latin trans. F. T. Rink, Leiden, 1790).

Religion in Eritrea

Islam first arrived to the region when immigrants from Mecca, persecuted by the ruling Quraysh tribe were accepted into Abyssinia by the ruler of Ethiopia whom Arabic tradition has named Aṣḥama ibn Abjar, and he settled them in Negash, located in the Tigray Region of Ethiopia.

South African Irish Regiment

After concentrating at the town of Gilgil in Kenya, the regiment took part in the invasion of Southern Abyssinia on 1 February 1941, part of the East African Campaign; it distinguished itself during the fighting at El Gumu, Hobok and Banno in early February as well as during the capture of Mega on 18 February.

St Martin's Church, Bowness-on-Windermere

In the churchyard is a tomb with a headstone dated 1822 inscribed to the memory of a freed slave named Rasselas Belfield, who is described as "A Native of Abyssinia".

Sultanate of Dara

Dara was too distant to be threatened by invasion from Abyssinia but it was the first Sultanate to fall to the Oromo migrations.

Tahmoor, New South Wales

Dr. Leichhardt met with nothing like it on his overland journey to Port Essington ; nor did Bruce, in his travels in Abyssinia ; nor did Mungo Park, or Dr. Livingstone, in their travels in the interior of Africa.

The Foster Photoplay Company

He continued working as a publicity promoter for Williams and Walker's In Dahomey and Abyssinia comedy productions.

Theodor von Heuglin

Heuglin, accompanied by Hermann Steudner, made a wide detour through Abyssinia and the Galla country, and in consequence the leadership of the expedition was taken from him.

Za Dengel

According to James Bruce, Za Dengel's corpse lay unclaimed on the battlefield for three days, until some peasants buried it "in a little building, like a chapel (which I have seen), not above six feet high, under the shade of a very fine tree, in Abyssinia called sassa."

see also