
2 unusual facts about Acer saccharum

Saint-Esprit, Quebec

The main agricultural activities include tobacco and Sugar Maple cultivation, milk production, and breeding of lamb, pork and poultry.

Vasates quadripedes

Vasates quadripedes, the maple bladder-gall mite, is an eriophyid mite in the genus Vasates, which causes galls on the leaves of silver maple (Acer saccharinum), red maple (A. rubrum), and sugar maple (A. saccharum).

Hansen, Wisconsin

the streams are fed by the swamps and are subject to very sudden rise & fall the timber is of various kinds such as soft-maple sugar Pine (TamaracK & alder in the swamps) Linn Oak Ash Ironwood +c, the stone are a Blue Flint.

Sigel, Wood County, Wisconsin

The character of this Township is good, particularly the North Eastern part there is some good farming Lands the timber being mostly Sugar Elm Ironwood + Birch the Southern + Western part is generally of a 2d rate quality the timber being mostly Birch Pine soft Maple Ash etc the streams are fed by the swamps & are not durable.

see also


The famous birdseye maple of the sugar maple (Acer saccharum) superficially resembles the wood of a burl but is something else entirely.