
2 unusual facts about Adi Shankara


Religious personality Swami Nigamananda having been born in this village had shown the world, the path of Gyana(ज्ञान)-Shankara and Prema( प्रेम) -Gouranga.


Adi Shankara, the Indian advaita philosopher also known as Śaṅkara


Nairs and Bunts of Kerala and Tulu Nadu who claim Kshatriya descent from the nagas as well as Namputhiri and Tuluva Brahmins(Hindu philosophers Adi Shankara and Madhvacharya belonging to these communities) trace their origins to this place.

Jiva Goswami

In essence, the philosophy of Achintya bheda abheda, or "inconceivable oneness and difference", avoids the extremes of Shankara's monistic Advaita vedanta and Madhva's pure dualism (Dvaita) by interpreting the material and spiritual potencies of the Supreme Person (Bhagavan) as being simultaneously one and different with Him.

Phyllanthus emblica

According to Hindu tradition, Adi Shankara of Kerala composed and recited the Kanakadhara stotram in praise of Mahalakshmi to make a poor Brahmin lady get wealth, in return for a single amla presented to him as bhiksha on an auspicious dwadashi day.

see also


The Mādhavīya Śaṃkaravijayam states that when Adi Shankara was at Kollur, he accepted invitations by brāhmaņas to have Bhikşa (alms or food) at their houses.


According to the tradition initiated by Adi Shankara, this matha is in charge of the Atharvaveda.