
3 unusual facts about Adna R. Chaffee, Jr.

Daniel Van Voorhis

The organization he created and the tactics he developed were vital to the Army's transformation into the modern, mobile armor and mechanized infantry force that was successful in World War II, and with Adna R. Chaffee, Jr. he is recognized as a founder of the Army's Armor branch.

M24 Chaffee

In British service it was given the service name Chaffee, after the United States Army General Adna R. Chaffee, Jr., who helped develop the use of tanks in the United States armed forces.

Robert Merrill Lee

During 1938 to 1940 he was aide-de-camp to General Adna R. Chaffee, Jr., the "father" of the Armored Force.

Adna R. Chaffee, Jr.

He predicted in 1927 that mechanized armies would dominate the next war and assisted in the first program for the development of a U.S. Army armored force.

Upon his father's death in 1914, he became an Hereditary First Class Companion of the Military Order of the Loyal Legion of the United States.

Calvin C. Chaffee

Irene Emerson was the widow of Dr. John Emerson, the owner of the slave Dred Scott.

Dred Scott

Her new husband, Calvin C. Chaffee, was an abolitionist, who shortly after their marriage was elected to the U.S. Congress.

Roger B. Chaffee

The episode "The Sound of Her Voice" from the sixth season of Star Trek: Deep Space Nine features a shuttlecraft named the Chaffee assigned to the USS Defiant.

The star Gamma Velorum was nicknamed "Regor" ("Roger" spelled backwards).

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