With the approval of father Camillo, he organized the production system at Olivetti on a quasi-Taylorian model and transformed the shop into a factory with departments and divisions.
The original editor Benedetti left the magazine and launched a new weekly, L'espresso, in October 1955, with Eugenio Scalfari, and backed by the progressive industrialist Adriano Olivetti, manufacturer of Olivetti typewriters.
In October 1955, jointly with Arrigo Benedetti he co-founded one of Italy's foremost newsmagazines L'Espresso with capital from the progressive industrialist Adriano Olivetti, manufacturer of Olivetti typewriters.
His career as a writer was profoundly influenced by his meeting with the enlightened social thinker and industrialist Adriano Olivetti in 1950, for whom he worked as an assistant and then as director of social services at the Olivetti factory at Ivrea.
Olivetti | Adriano Celentano | Adriano Olivetti | Adriano Correia de Oliveira | Adriano Castellesi | Adriano Alves | Olivetti Research Laboratory | Adriano | Santa Maria della Mercede e Sant'Adriano a Villa Albani | Sant'Adriano al Foro | Luiz Adriano | Adriano Tardelli | Adriano Pellegrino | Adriano Pappalardo | Adriano Moreira | Adriano Moraes | Adriano Lualdi | Adriano Leite Ribeiro | Adriano Galliani | Adriano Banchieri |