Since his principal, Adriano Castellesi had been in Rome since 1494, this meant that Carbonariis was in effective control of one of the most lucrative clerical appointments in England – for this was a period in which the Church owned about one third of the land in England and the Pope took ten per cent of the income generated from that property.
This first publication, and Reuchlin's account of his teaching at Basel in a letter to Cardinal Adrian (Adriano Castellesi) in February 1518, show that he had already found his life's work.
Adriano Celentano | Adriano Olivetti | Adriano Correia de Oliveira | Adriano Castellesi | Adriano Alves | Adriano | Santa Maria della Mercede e Sant'Adriano a Villa Albani | Sant'Adriano al Foro | Luiz Adriano | Adriano Tardelli | Adriano Pellegrino | Adriano Pappalardo | Adriano Moreira | Adriano Moraes | Adriano Lualdi | Adriano Leite Ribeiro | Adriano Galliani | Adriano Banchieri |
In particular, she suggested he found a patron in the form of Fr. Giovanni Antonio de Carbonariis, an Augustinian friar who was also the deputy to the papal tax collector Adriano Castellesi.