
unusual facts about Adriatic Coast


May 1 – Emperor Diocletian abdicates at age 60 and retires to his palace at Salona (modern Split) on the Adriatic coast after a reign of nearly 21 years in which the last vestiges of republican government have disappeared.

Ljubinka Jovanović

With her future husband, Milorad Bata Mihailović and his friends from the class Mića Popović, Petar Omčikus, Kossa Bokchan and Vera Božičković Popović in the 1947 year she went to Adriatic Coast where they formed an art commune “Zadar group”.

see also

Battle of Pharos

The Battle of Pharos was a naval battle between the Greek colony Pharos allied with Dionysius the Elder of Syracuse and the Illyrian Liburnians, which took place in 383/4 BC.The Illyrians of Zadar, the Iadasinoi, became allies of the natives of Hvar and the leaders of an eastern Adriatic coast coalition in the fight against the Greek colonizers.


Researchers such as Vatroslav Jagić, Tomo Maretić, and Matija Murko, posit that it was derived from the root bugar "Bulgarian", indicating the direction of spread of bugarštica from a contact area between Bulgaria and Serbia towards the Adriatic coast.

Domini di Terraferma

In 1420 Venice annexed the Friulian territories of the Imperial Patriarchate of Aquileia from the Adriatic coast up to Pontebba in the Julian Alps.


Fiesa, Portorož, a street in the settlement of Portorož on the Adriatic coast in southwestern Slovenia

History of the Army of the Republic of Bosnia and Herzegovina

The 6th Corps (Konjic) was formed in June 1993 from the 4th Corps Northern Herzegovina Operational Group, to occupy northern Hercegovina from the HVO and eventually reach the Adriatic coast.

Lake Campotosto

The lake is reachable via the Italian State Highway 80 from either L'Aquila or the Adriatic Coast.

Langobardia Minor

So became subject to the two duchies the entire Adriatic coast between Byzantine strongholds of Ancona in the north and Otranto in the south; the Ionian and the Tyrrhenian, however, only partially fell under the authority of the duke of Benevento, which was never able to permanently occupy Naples, the Salento and the tip of Calabria (south of Cosenza and Crotone), and of course, Rome and its suburbs.


In light of this strategy, he established a few Syracusan colonies on the coasts of the Adriatic Sea: Adria at the mouth of Po river and Ancona at the western Adriatic coast, Issa on the outermost island of the central Adriatic archipelago (island of Vis) and others.

Marina di Marittima

Marina di Marittima is a seaside resort on the Adriatic coast of Salento in the comune of Diso in the province of Lecce in the Apulia region of southeast Italy.

Piana degli Albanesi

In 1482-1485, after several attacks from the Ottoman Empire, the Orthodox Christian Albanians were forced to the Adriatic coast where they hired ships from Republic of Venice and escaped by sailing managed to advance up to reach Sicily.

Sava Banovina

From the Adriatic coast the boundary follows the gorge of Ljubač and the canal of Nova Povljana, passes between the islands of Maun and Planik, to rejoin, north of the islands of Olib and Silba, the State frontier on the Adriatic.

Via Caecilia

Via Caecilia, an ancient highroad of Italy, which diverged from the Via Salaria at the 35th mile (56 km) from Rome, and ran by Amiternum to the Adriatic coast, passing probably by Hadria (Atri).