"to develop, produce, and distribute games and other products for Avalon Hill's Advanced Squad Leader (ASL) game system." MMP is a gaming company founded in 1994 by Perry Cocke and Brian Youse, and later co-partner Curt Schilling, to preserve ASL and other Avalon Hill games.
Solitaire Advanced Squad Leader, a single-player variant of the World War II board wargame Advanced Squad Leader
Rodger MacGowan did the artwork for the original SL, COI and COD scenarios and Charles Kibler took over with GI: Anvil of Victory (and continued to do the artwork for Advanced Squad Leader scenarios as well).
Institute for Advanced Study | Leader of the Opposition | Advanced Placement | Advanced Audio Coding | Advanced Encryption Standard | Leader of the Opposition (Western Australia) | Leader of the House of Commons | Paul H. Nitze School of Advanced International Studies | Canadian Institute for Advanced Research | Majority Leader of the New York State Senate | Leader of the House of Lords | Advanced Micro Devices | leader | Advanced Landing Ground | Sant'Anna School of Advanced Studies | Cold Squad | Supreme Leader | SS and Police Leader | Police Squad! | National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology | Terror Squad | School for Advanced Studies in the Social Sciences | M Squad | Leader of the Opposition (United Kingdom) | Advanced Management Program | Wheel Squad | The New Leader | squad | Shadow Leader of the House of Commons | Leader of the Opposition (South Australia) |