Aesculus seeds were traditionally eaten, after leaching, by the Jōmon people of Japan over about four millennia, until 300 AD.
Adjacent to the mountain are several boulderfields and stands of northern hardwoods and large buckeyes.
He directed the planting of the horse chestnut trees on Ealing Common and designed the Town Hall, both the present one and the older structure which is now a bank (on the Mall).
Larger plantings have resulted in Huntington possessing a number of great Irish trees, including varieties of hickory, a cut leaved oak, Siberian crab and buckeye chestnut.
Planoise, while urban, has a rich environmental heritage and a lot of wooded space, and urban trees, particularly beeches, firs, Aesculus, and birches, are present on all streets.
Aesculus hippocastanum | Aesculus | Aesculus pavia | Aesculus flava | Aesculus chinensis |
Aesculus × carnea, or red horse-chestnut, is an artificial hybrid between A. pavia (red buckeye) and A. hippocastanum (horse-chestnut).
Aesculus parviflora was introduced to British horticulture through the activities of John Fraser, who made his first botanizing trip through the American South in 1785.